No video, but earlier today I was running the raid with a good group of friends. Everything was cool until we got to The Daughters. We ran through it really smoothly despite the problem. Here was the problem: one of my friends decided to stream it. And he had about 70 something people watching it at the time. Now here's the big kicker, his voice sounds like a 12 year old amped on sugar, and everyone began making fun of him about it. Some people started telling him that he'd never beat the raid, that he's trash and he should go back to bed, and pretty much any bad insult you could imagine. This made a lot of us angry. Our fireteam leader (name withheld in case of moderator attacks) started encouraging him. He kept him in the zone, made sure he ignored those guys and that he was calm. Now, here's one thing to consider: he's autistic. So he isn't very good in these situations. And no one in the chat knew that and they just kept being overall (pardon my language) dicks. And whenever he got worked up, he got really emotional and overreacted about every little thing. (Not in the angry kind of way, but in the more [b][i]fearing[/i][/b] scheme of things). We made him turn off the stream, and just kept going. But for that time, he didn't break, and he did fine. He calmed down, and he didn't give up. We never beat oryx, but we plan to kick him in the rear tomorrow.
Our autistic friend was getting cyberbullied on stream, and we helped him through it.[spoiler]Please don't leave any hateful comments. Thanks in advance.[/spoiler]
Dude if you guys are on Xbox one hit me up I feel bad for the dude my one friend gets laughed at sometimes because of his voice
Sad people have to be so ugly to your friend. Good idea to cut the stream off.
welcome to the world of streaming. 90% trolls and 10% cool people. I blame you guys for exposing him to that hatefulness
Uhhh, okay? People are assholes online. It's a given fact. You don't see me posting topics about how I run into assholes cause of me being a female. I always run into a few, most underestimate me, but I really don't give a [b]s[/b]hit. Gotta have that hard edge when the mic gets plugged in. Some people really like pulling others down but I fight fire with fire & most don't expect it. Anyway, sorry that this happened but he shouldn't stream if he's sensitive. I'm not blaming the autism as I know people that are just fine with it when dealing with others. But other than that, nothing really positive or negative here- just being honest. Can't take the heat? Leave that xbox off.
Every streamer out there gets abuse.. Either learn to deal with it or don't do it. As for you and you're fireteam helping him.. Great, good for you guys. But what do you want? A cookie? Do you expect some kind of approval from here? Do you tell everybody every good deed you done just so people can tell you what a great guy you are?
Edited by Gruffy: 10/18/2015 9:40:43 AMThere was a simple solution, where you could have saved your buddy a lot of grief. Stop streaming when it all goes bad, what was more important your friend or a stream. Guess you all picked the one that was, over his wellbeing. Before you get pissy with me, both my daughters are autistic. Exposing someone with autism to that, for a prolonged period of time, when you could have stopped it with the click of a button is unconscionable. I don't know who's worse, the bullies or you his so called friends for not putting an end to it. You discust me. I hope he reads this and realises how badly you all let him down.g
Sorry nothing positive to say. If you can't handle your chat don't stream. Regardless of your handicap if you can't take people being ass clowns being in the public eye is not where you should be. Turn off your stream and enjoy the game. Welcome to the internet.
You know, the best way to handle something like that is to not worry about it. He doesn't have to read the chat, right? I never get the problem about cyber bullying because it's so easy to avoid! Mute them, block them, or just avoid them.
Mother-blam!-er dont let them get to you. Youre gorgous. [spoiler]shine on you crazy diamond[/spoiler] [spoiler]shine on[/spoiler]
Lol man up or are you all 12 year old kids
Cowards behind a screen. You ever need help I'm on xb1 and I don't talk much. See you planet side guardian.
I'm on PS4 so send a friend req at [b]Laerces[/b] if you need help or something :)
cyber bullying shouldn't even be a thing, block, mute, or simply leave the damn screen, how stupid can you be to take insults Through the Internet
... So he pretty much let himself be bullied til you told him to get off the stream your friend is 12 and does not have autism he is just herp derp
It sucks that it happen but It's the Internet you can control it,
I'm glad you guys were able to keep him perked up to continue doing the raid, good luck when y'all fight Oryx. c: But yeah.. Cyberbullying is always going to be one of those things where I'm like.. "That's a computer monitor, what's stopping you from just turning it off????"
What you and your fireteam did was great
What's his channel name? It's hard to believe him getting 70 viewers if he is just a random just streaming for the hell of it.
Nobody cares -blam!-tard and who lets a 12 year-old stream?
Proof or I won't believe you
Hahahahahaha How The -blam!- Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha -blam!- Just Walk Away From The Screen Like -blam!- Close Your Eyes Haha - Tyler The Creator
Don't put yourself out there if you can't take the abuse from the public.
Stop streaming don't look at comments
I feel for you and your friend but if he's going to open himself up to the world of streaming on the Internet, he needs to get thicker skin. My wife works with autistic children every day and there are some things that they just can't handle without lots of training and hard work. Good luck finishing the raid. The first time is a great feeling.
I feel sorry for your friend, but the simple truth: the big part of the online "community" are dickheads....little kids who think that the internet is a zone without any laws and where manners aren't of interest. ..sorry for my sad english, can't say it in my own words, but i hope everyone gets what i want to say