No video, but earlier today I was running the raid with a good group of friends. Everything was cool until we got to The Daughters. We ran through it really smoothly despite the problem. Here was the problem: one of my friends decided to stream it. And he had about 70 something people watching it at the time. Now here's the big kicker, his voice sounds like a 12 year old amped on sugar, and everyone began making fun of him about it. Some people started telling him that he'd never beat the raid, that he's trash and he should go back to bed, and pretty much any bad insult you could imagine. This made a lot of us angry. Our fireteam leader (name withheld in case of moderator attacks) started encouraging him. He kept him in the zone, made sure he ignored those guys and that he was calm. Now, here's one thing to consider: he's autistic. So he isn't very good in these situations. And no one in the chat knew that and they just kept being overall (pardon my language) dicks. And whenever he got worked up, he got really emotional and overreacted about every little thing. (Not in the angry kind of way, but in the more [b][i]fearing[/i][/b] scheme of things). We made him turn off the stream, and just kept going. But for that time, he didn't break, and he did fine. He calmed down, and he didn't give up. We never beat oryx, but we plan to kick him in the rear tomorrow.
Our autistic friend was getting cyberbullied on stream, and we helped him through it.[spoiler]Please don't leave any hateful comments. Thanks in advance.[/spoiler]
I hate to play devil's advocate here but, as someone who has autism himself, its likely your friend got a temporary "kick" out of just having a stream. He should have turned it off, but as someone who has "recovered", I understand the feeling of nervous apprehension mixed with masochistic happiness attention brings. If your friend was being "autistic" (any of the anti-social symptoms associated with it) he should have never been streaming in the first place. Hate is bad but hopefully this will be a learning experience. It takes hardship to get past the social obstacles placed in his way.
Worst part is you xurned your touch of malice
Edited by TIRED SOULDIER: 10/18/2015 8:48:03 PMI'm in the autism spectrum I have a diagnosis of the most sEVERE ADHD my doctor has seen. I'm 40 and this has all RUINED MY LIFE. I have a wife and 3 beautiful kids who sometimes put up with some grouchy mood swings but I WILL NOT QUIT AND I WILL NOT STOP. Every day is HARDER THAN ANY OF YOU CAN FATHOM. 1. I AM TERRIFIED of phones (won't answer even if my wife calls until I psyche up for it) been fired over a phone 6 times in 3 years. 2. I hate social settings because if I can say it wrong I will. 3. My emotions go up and down like an EKG. EVERY DAY IS HARD. So when I read this I kind of felt good that I wasn't alone and also SAD that the world is more the same everywhere yo go. CONGRATS TO YOU FOR DEFENDING HIM.
Oh man if only there was a stop stream button,oh wait...
What the hell is cyberbullying? I must be too old for this stuff
How sad.
Cyber-bullying is a joke *hits off button
Stop the stream and stop being a pussy. Easy. Cyber bullying is such a joke.
Not to defend the guys in the stream chat, but they didn't know he was autistic? [quote]he's autistic. So he isn't very good in these situations. And no one in the chat knew that and they just kept being overall (pardon my language) dicks[/quote] So they weren't making fun of some autistic guy, they were making fun of a squeaky guy overreacting that's streaming a video game. A lot of people act like that on purpose on stream. Does no one remember how annoying Fred was?!?!?! So they weren't really being that big of dick. They were making fun of how he was acting without knowing he had his medical condition, they weren't making fun of his medical condition.
Fix for cyber bullying: [spoiler]unplug[/spoiler]
Not condoning what happened, but the logical thing to do would be to stop streaming.
Might be best to mute himself if he streams again
Edited by cobalthunter115: 10/19/2015 2:23:09 AMNo one should be treated like this we need more ppl who are like that firearm leader
I make fun of people on streams all the time. It's funny. I get banned a lot too though. Usually I stick to humor though not like distasteful stuff
I is a TadPaul
I almost started swinging fist at a kid who was making fun of this autistic kid in my class
Good for you of sticking up man nice- I'm young to so this makes me happy :)
Someone with autism and a squeaking voice should never stream. The Internet is a cruel place. Look at most of these retards on this forum.
"Cyber Bullied" is the wrong term here
Edited by PopSkimo: 10/18/2015 10:25:00 PMHonestly if he gets that emotional he probably should never stream to the public again. People are real assholes and feed off of how your friend was taking all the comments. He should not do that again, the same stuff will only happen.
how do u get cyberbullied lol just walk away tf
Same here. Except I'm not autistic. I know how he feels. It sucks. At least he has people to raid with. :)
I'm not autistic but dealing with people is a big weakness for me so I feel your pain. People who are assholes over the Internet usually have self esteem issues, and being an asshole makes them feel better about themselves. You were right to shut off the stream. Ignore the assholes and just have fun with the people who matter.
UNFORTUNATELY the destiny community is almost as bad as the league of legends community. Also. Your friend started a stream: he needs to know there's going to be stuff like that. Hell there's worse. Tell your friend to YouTube streamers getting swatted. He'll thank you. And if he can't handle a little smack talk. I don't think he should have a stream. Really he doesn't need one. He clearly has encouraging friends like yourself and the rest of the fire team to play with: that should be good enough.
Edited by Commiit: 10/18/2015 11:35:22 PM
Paragraph break, dude.