No video, but earlier today I was running the raid with a good group of friends. Everything was cool until we got to The Daughters. We ran through it really smoothly despite the problem. Here was the problem: one of my friends decided to stream it. And he had about 70 something people watching it at the time. Now here's the big kicker, his voice sounds like a 12 year old amped on sugar, and everyone began making fun of him about it. Some people started telling him that he'd never beat the raid, that he's trash and he should go back to bed, and pretty much any bad insult you could imagine. This made a lot of us angry. Our fireteam leader (name withheld in case of moderator attacks) started encouraging him. He kept him in the zone, made sure he ignored those guys and that he was calm. Now, here's one thing to consider: he's autistic. So he isn't very good in these situations. And no one in the chat knew that and they just kept being overall (pardon my language) dicks. And whenever he got worked up, he got really emotional and overreacted about every little thing. (Not in the angry kind of way, but in the more [b][i]fearing[/i][/b] scheme of things). We made him turn off the stream, and just kept going. But for that time, he didn't break, and he did fine. He calmed down, and he didn't give up. We never beat oryx, but we plan to kick him in the rear tomorrow.
Our autistic friend was getting cyberbullied on stream, and we helped him through it.[spoiler]Please don't leave any hateful comments. Thanks in advance.[/spoiler]
I'm really against this behaviour and I'm not trying to sound like a dick but if you guys can't handle assholes like that then you really shouldn't be streaming in the first place. [spoiler]really not from a place of ignorance or anything... Just honesty.[/spoiler]
I'm more curious about how he turns on his stream and get 70 viewers in a short amount of time. Because if that's the case, then he must stream pretty often and should be used to this sort of thing. I don't support bullying but something about this story just doesn't add up.
Tell him congrats for killing sisters I just killed them (had killed everything except them even Oryx) and they weren't to hard. also to the toxic players please give him a break"lets work together to make the destiny community a better place" the dames of Destiny
People that talk down to other people are the worst and need to grow up. It's so messed up to mess with someone mentally. I don't understand why it's so hard just to be cool and nice to someone no matter what. But people are judgmental asses
Good for you guys helping him through it, and screw those douche monkeys on the stream. If you guys need help when you go to finish oryx and are on ps4 feel free to hit me up.
Bahaha. Cyber bullying doesn't exist. He should have just kicked them out of the stream or even shut it down. His fault.
Well the community is harsh and stupid what you going to do about it
I don't see the major issue with his condition. All major streamers are autistic.
If you need anyone to help I'm pretty capable hit me up
I'm guessing you want a trophy?
Why did he just ban those on the feed, and/or ignore their comments.
The term "cyber bully" is really pathetic. I mean turn off the electronic device. Boom problem solved. Guess im old fashion like that. Never got caught up in the "omg he said mean things im depressed now!"mindset. Who'd think I'm only 25.
It's cool of you guys to help him get through it and all, but I have to agree with the majority here... If everyone there knows he isn't good in those situations, why is he streaming in the first place? If this wasn't his first time streaming, and what you've said is true about his voice and all, I'm guessing then it wasn't the first time a stream chat has turned and started giving him a hard time either. Why put himself in that same position again then? The public is a cold, rude, disrespectful place. Especially the Internet medium. There's nothing you can do to stop it, people are complete assholes. He doesn't need to be streaming, period. Especially if it gets him all worked up like that.
Maybe just stop streaming if you're autistic? Lol
So his own viewers were being jerks? Why does he stream if that's the response he gets? Don't get me wrong, I sympathize with his treatment. But why even put yourself in that situation if it's so easily avoided? BTW, if you want, I'll help you out in the raid.
Question, if he's not good in those situtations in public ire, why on earth would you be inviting people in (streaming) in the first place?
It's sad that he had to deal with that but he needs to accept that if you put yourself out there where assholes run rampant you're probably going to meet some assholes.
Getting made fun of for having a funny voice = cyber bullying ? I weep for our children.
Maybe this isn't the right kind of game for him? We need to weigh our strengths and weaknesses and live according to them.
What a bunch of dicks. Take them to the guillotine!
Well its the internet and people are dicks even more behind the keyboard and screen. You guys did the right thing to shut the stream people with those kinds of dissorders (autism, etc) shouldnt be exposed to those kinds of envrioments its like a person with germs, fear to snakes and spiders went to a jungle by himself.
Sounds like me. I'm Autistic as well. I get hurt quite easily by comments and it becomes very distracting if people are saying things that, to a normal person, would just be laughed off but to us, with our heightened sensitivity and lower coping thresholds, are almost painful to receive. It always helps to have friends to talk us through. Here's to a happier gaming experience for you all next time!
People are such cowards on the Internet it's sad. As someone with aspergers my heart goes out to him. And sadly he should probably not stream if that keeps happening
Hey this -blam!-ing awesome I absolutely love this your fireteam leader deserves a cookie god this made me smile
You guys got this! Oryx is honestly the easiest part of the raid. Just keep communication up and play on each other's strengths. Tell your friend to keep blasting away, bullies are just sad people looking for company at the bottom.
No need to apologise for calling the haters dicks - from what you're saying it sounds like the right word to use!