I'm surprised that this isn't a feature Destiny has included with all the new emotes Bungie has released, but why not let players bind emotes to the D-Pad how they'd like? Or at least divide them into categories. Maybe like so?
Up: Greeting (Wave, Salute, Bow, Formal Bow, etc)
Left: Reaction / Taunt (Cower, Scheme, Taunt, Come at Me, Blowing a Kiss, etc)
Right: Celebration (Dance, Enthusiastic Dance, Congrats, Cheer, Booyah, etc)
Down: Idle (Sit, other idle animation sorts of things that I can't think of right now)
Or just let you bind them however you want, I dunno. I just quickly tried grouping emotes up but I'm sure there's better ways to do it. I'd like to hear what people think.
Here's what I was thinking about it. Probably won't show up in game until destiny 2. When I heard they were adding equippable emotes with TTK, I expected them to be something added to the loot tables. I obviously wasn't thinking along the thought patterns of Bungievision.
It's possible they thought of this already, but didn't want to invest the time until they saw if the emotes would be a success or not. At least that's what I would have done. But it's Bungie.. So who know what the hell they are thinking most of the time..