originally posted in:The Roleplay League
The Huntress made Wade feel uneasy. There was something about her, but he couldn't put his finger on what it was. She was obviously beautiful, but that wasn't the problem, for him at least, he was a confident guy. But still, something was gnawing at him. "Well, it could be worse" he said smiling. "You do not want to be up at the northern wall at this time of the year".
"No..."She agreed, letting out a light laugh. "But a hunter behind walls is like a bird in a cage." The girl strode across the room and set up for her watch before turning to him. "I know nothing happens in the night but it's protocol to ask if there had been any activity."
"No, not anything big at least. Dead Orbit patrols have had some contact with rogue fallen teams, but nothing to really worry about" Wade answered while finishing his packing. When he was finished, he turned around and was ready to leave, but stopped. "I... uh..." he pondered for a second. "I know it's not really my business and I might be out of line here, but why are you, a Hunter posted here for the dayshift? I know Orbit has a lot of people scattered around the solar system, so overbooking seems like a weird problem".
The huntress was caught off guard by the question, looking to the titan with her head tilted. It was a wierd anomaly to overbook, but still not unheard of, a perfect lie really. She scratched the back of her head sheepishly, feeling a tad but uneasy she'd been caught. "It's Caydes fault really."She sighed " I went, unauthorized and...alone onto the dreadnaught. So...arach put me on house arrest."
Edited by WBU39: 10/18/2015 2:26:05 PM"You went alone to the dreadnought? What do you have, a deathwish?" Wade asked in a serious tone. [i]wait,why do I even care?[/i] he thought. [i]You idiot, she's a Dead Orbit Hunter, she can handle herself[/i]. "Ehm... I'm sorry, that's none of my business" he apologized and looked out the window
Artemis waved it off with a simple motion of her hand, resuming setting up for her watch. "You're not living if you're not risking your life everyday."She said with a chuckle. Cayde probably wasn't the best of vanguard masters to learn from now that she thought about it. "Anyway, I suppose I'm stuck on this god forsaken shift for a week, might as well make the best of it."
"Yeah well, it's not glorious nor 'life risking' but it'll grow on you." Wade said with amused smile on his face, knowing that the huntress probably will not enjoy the following week. "If it helps and you're handy with tools, there's an old radio in the cabinet below the desk. Might be a long shot, but if you happen to get it working there should be some cassettes lying around here somewhere."
She quirked an eyebrow in question, curiosity getting the better of her as she reached under and pulled out the old pre-golden age tech. It was an oddity but a little wonderment and excitement bubbled in her chest. It wasn't exactly an elimination mission...but it would suffice. She set it down on the desk and offered him a smile, extending her hand." I'm sorry, I haven't formally introduced myself, I'm Artemis."
Edited by WBU39: 10/18/2015 5:26:03 PMWade smiled warmly and shaked her hand. "Wade, nice to meet you Artemis". He spun around and started to open the closets and cabinets in the room. "There should be some tools here... god knows where though." He cursed. "Well, I should probably get going if there's nothing else you need? I assume you know the basics, but should you need something, I'm on standby for the next few hours" he said as he grabbed his bag and walked to the door. "See you later...Artemis" he smiled, nodded and opened the door
The huntress returned the smile and gave him a short wave. "I'll catch you later Wade." Her ghost had materialized from her armor, free of its confinement and flitted around her head. "Interesting."it had said, the girl nodding, a ghost of a smile remaining. "Very."She said. Maybe the week wouldn't be so bad afterall. "Now...let's get to work on this.."
The sun was setting, giving the sky a beautiful golden color. Wade was sitting on a bench in the Guardian Towers market, watching as his nieces played tag on the grass. Luckily he had been able to catch some sleep before his sister had called him and asked him to watch after her kids. He had few more hours before his shift at the wall began. [i]The wall, I wonder what shes up to. Wouldn't mind if she got that radio working[/i]
"Damn it!"Artemis cursed as she pulled her hand back and shook the stinging sensation away . She had been tinkering with the player, the back open to reveal the wiring and electric components. Even with the help of her ghost she was nearing the end of her shift, the girl tinkering with one more wire. Music suddenly blasted from the player catching the girl off guard causing her to fall out of her chair. "Ha!"She exclaimed after recovering quickly.
"Where the hell did I put the... oh there it is" Wade was packing his gear for the soon starting shift. [i]Rifle: check, Few clips: check, Sidearm: check[/i]. He walked out of the Tower armory and straight to the vehicle hangar, boarded a dropship. Few hours later he was at the watchtower. [i]Home away from home[/i] he thought as he ascended the steps and knocked on the door.
She had just finished up packing up her bag, humming quietly to the music that had filled the room. It certainly made the shift go by quickly as she heard a relieving knock on the door. Swiftly she closed the distance and opened it, giving the titan a welcoming smile. "Hey, wow, can't believe it's shift change already."She commented, somewhat relieved.
"Oh, so look who had a fun time" Wade said teasingly and chuckled as he entered
She rolled her eyes playfully and ran a hand through her hair before returning to finish packing her bag. Some old rock music filled the room, making the atmosphere feel more welcoming. "One day down, 6 to go."She laughed, shaking her head.
"Trust me, by the sixth day you'll be sad it's over" he said with a big smile on his face. "If you want, we can switch shifts so you can try the nightshift" Wade asked as he laid his bag on the table.
"Although that sounds very tempting, I feel like you enjoy them. So I'll be nice and let you keep them."She said with a grin, having finished packing. "It's peaceful up here but definitely not my style."
"Ah, figured as much". "You Hunters and your constant need for action, never appreciating the quiet times" he laughed. "Anything big happen? Outside you fixing the radio, I mean?"
She quirked an eyebrow in question to his first comment but shrugged it off and let out a sigh. "Nope, looks like the units are actually doing their job."She said, looking out the window. It'd been a while since there was a breach, not even an attempt had been made.
"Makes you wonder, doesn't it?" Wade asked. "Feels like there's something going on that we don't know about." He said as he opened his datapad. "Hmph, seems like one of the outer sensors is malfunctioning, I'll have to check it out. You can tag along if you want, wouldn't mind some company and those usually have something going on?"
"I'd love to tag, I need a little excitement right now."She replied letting out a light laugh. The huntress was sure he could handle everhthing, but she appreciated the offer. She double checked to make sure everything was on hand before letting him lead the way.
"This is WT-3, I got one of the outer sensor malfunctioning, we're going to check it out with the girl from the last shift." Wade said into his radio. "Any idea what we're walking into?". "This is WT-1, yeah the scout teams reported some movement there, but it was really scattered. I'd keep your eyes open". [i]well isn't that great[/i] he thought. "Well, it's quite a hike up there, so we better get on it." [i]at least the weather is good[/i] Wade thought just as it started to rain.
Just being outside had lifted her spirits significantly, being trapped inside all day had been insufferable. The rain had made it even better, the soft pattering relaxing. She gave him a sidelong glance before asking. "What made you choose the wall?"
Wade laughed humorlesly. "Wasn't really a choice. I'm the living proof of what happens when you don't do what you're told to as a Titan." He said without even blinking. "Higher ups gave me a choice: start pulling the nightshift, or get booted. Needless to say, I chose the wall." He continued with bitterness in his voice.
"The life of a guardian."She said softly, giving him a sympathetic look. "We each have our role on protecting the city...just not fair that we don't get to pick them." She gave a deflated sigh, looking up to the sky. [i]seems as if titans got the short end of the stick though[/i] she mused grimly, a frown setting upon her lips