I'm surprised that this isn't a feature Destiny has included with all the new emotes Bungie has released, but why not let players bind emotes to the D-Pad how they'd like? Or at least divide them into categories. Maybe like so?
Up: Greeting (Wave, Salute, Bow, Formal Bow, etc)
Left: Reaction / Taunt (Cower, Scheme, Taunt, Come at Me, Blowing a Kiss, etc)
Right: Celebration (Dance, Enthusiastic Dance, Congrats, Cheer, Booyah, etc)
Down: Idle (Sit, other idle animation sorts of things that I can't think of right now)
Or just let you bind them however you want, I dunno. I just quickly tried grouping emotes up but I'm sure there's better ways to do it. I'd like to hear what people think.