I am creating this petition to change the currency in which we buy materials with (relic iron, spinmetal, helium filaments, and spirit bloom). The fact that legendary marks are much more important and useful in this expansion than in any previous requires us to save our marks for infusion or bigger ticket items. That being said I propose that the current system to be changed from Legendary Marks to Glimmer. I feel like ~1250 would be an appropriate cost for 20 materials. I think any more than that would be cost ineffective. But I feel like 1250 Glimmer could be adjusted to be more less if Bungie saw fit for it.
TL;DR: Petition to change the cost of Materials from 10 Legendary Marks to 1250 Glimmer.
If you would like for this change to be made could anyone who is reading this thread upvote or comment with your approval or suggestions. Thank you for reading and together I hope we can make this change!
Meh. Legendary marks should just drop the way vanguard and crucible marks dropped: every strike and crucible match. That way it would also get fixed.