Dread littered the halls, moving with their hard light weapons.
[b]He fires his scar at them, and kill three[/b] "Heads up!!" [b]He rips open a terminal, being shot at the whole time[/b] "Almost.....almost...." [b]Security turrets begin to activate[/b] "There we go!"
The turrets activate and fire on both sides the Dread quickly fire on the turrets, stopping them.
[b]he radios Python [/b] [quote]dont ask how got this frequency, I think j found him, there's a lotta dread here *gunfire* And I think they might be trying to stop us[/quote]
"I've already tried comms with him, waiting on a response. Keep pushing, be careful."
[quote]Careful? Not quite![/quote] [b]He fires his Eagle at two of them, killing them, and as he continues to defeat them, they retreat[/b]
"I got no response from Phantom, trying again."
[quote]Almost there.....[/quote]
[spoiler]Sorry about the wait, my dog pissed in the house[/spoiler] "Change of plan. Get back to the hangar. I'll meet you there. Python out." Comms close down.
[b]He double times it to the hangar [/b]
He finds Galdes with a gunship.
[spoiler]Yeah, go ahead and blame it on the dog you pathetic twat[/spoiler]
[spoiler]BRAWH HE'S A PUPPEH[/spoiler]