[b]Phantom nods and runs up to the Terminal, and quickly begins to implement the Virus[/b]
[b]He looks back at Ginger, who is holding back the Dread as they attempt to overwhelm him and breach the doorway[/b]
A few more inputs....
[b]He closes the HoloScreen and turns toward Ginger[/b]
It's time for you to go, Ginger.
[b]He throws something over to him, which he catches[/b]
Tell Python and the others, it's been fun.
Ginger catches it with one hand, while still using the sword with the other. He lets the sword roll to the tips of his fingers, freeing his palm for a powerful repulsed blast that blows back the incoming Dread. He looks at the thing Phantom threw, and without questioning what it is he grabs Minerva and brings her close. "It's been an honor August. See you on the other side."
[b]He salutes at them[/b] Later, rather than sooner. [b]Hard Light Blades materialize on his gauntlets[/b] Look out for them, will you, Matthew?
Ginger nods and without a further sound, phases away with Minerva