this is the CaramellDansen [spoiler][/spoiler]
this is the FUKKIRETA [spoiler][/spoiler]
this is the homura hair flip [spoiler][/spoiler]
if you don't agree just click a way
[spoiler]This thread has been moved to its appropriate forum (OffTopic) by Takedown[/spoiler]
SMOOO ???? !!!
BUMP ??????!!!! ^-^
Do we get a skirt to?
You disappoint me guardian...
if you agree with this you may want to up vote
Weaboo fgt
This post doesn't matter. Bungie doesn't care about us or whatever think.
You seriously need to stop posting this everywhere. I was ok with the idea but now i am seeing you link this everywhere and is getting very annoying please for the love of rngesus please stop.
Can we vote for non of those please?
or for charging a kamehameha wave
As an anime fan I'd prefer some kind of emote from the Cory In The House anime
How about we get a LOL emote.
Nah. Not into anime
I don't know what any of this is.
Hahaha, no you weeb
Wtf is this shit
359 votes for all of them just so you trolls know