funny how the most op class gets the worst k/d out of the new classes.
Because all the new and presumably bad players are going over to it because it has the most killing potential for a super. Just because people who play sunbreaker are bad without the super doesn't mean that with the super active, they won't do well. I, for example, have never been killed while in my super while playing sunbreaker. The high damage output, coupled with high damage resistance, coupled with health regeneration, solidifies that I just won't die while supering. The super completely topples over all the other supers in a way that not only portrays it as an over powered subclass but turns it into a nearly unstoppable class. So.... What's your point?
I doubt all the bad players are going to Sunbreaker and even if they were they wouldn't be bringing down the Sunbreakers K/D. How come the Hunters didn't get brought down by bad players? Please against other supers the Sunbreaker is not unstoppable. Don't know who you've been playing against but a simple FoH or Nova will will you. My point is even with the incredible super the rest of the class is weak. The super is what keeps them competitive but not op and it shows. At the least if they get the super nerfed the neutral game of the class should receive a buff.
All I want is a one shot headshot with a high impact sniper in crucible. After all that, the super will be balanced.
Edited by MysticalSnurtle: 10/20/2015 4:37:47 AMSure thats reasonable but then I want a slight increase to something on the neutral game. Slightly longer reach on the melee perhaps?
Edited by Elite 529: 10/20/2015 4:51:39 AMI mean, you guys already have a one hit melee. Maybe move some perks around and switch others for something other than the super. Change fleet fire to proc every kill instead of procing on ability kills. Maybe it will all change with the next update.
Edited by MysticalSnurtle: 10/20/2015 4:53:40 AMIts not one hit, I really am astonished as to why so many people consistently believe this throughout all the Titan classes. With the exception of Sunbreaker it has been proven that Titans have the weakest melee of all the old classes damage and range wise. As it is Sunbreakers have the exact same K/D as Gunslingers. If they get nerfed in any way they will fall. To compensate they should have some kind of buff to the neutral game for compensation.
But mah sniper. I want those headshots and don't want to just use Black Spindle. I think Titans should have a good super because they're the tank class. But they should not have the fastest movement, coupled with the most damage output, coupled with health regeneration. All those combined= a fairly over powered super.
Sure I agree Sunbreakers should get killed in 1 headshot from all snipers. just slightly boost them when they are not in their super to compensate.
I completely agree