Just joined an Iron Banner match, there were 4 other people on my team, and scores were horrible.
19870 (enemy) to 7800 (allies)
Worst part is I spawned in and got spawn killed (like did the spawn animation then dead) and the game ended since I was the final kill.
Free xp
Ha scrub, I got put into a game that lost before I even touched down. I had to wait 10 second to leave the lobby because my ship still hadn't landed...
Lucky. I always join when it's 12000 to 5000 and either have to suffer through or quit, which I've been doing lately since there's no penalty and actually benefit to quitting early
I get pissed when I join a losing game and I'm bottom of the leader board and get nothing! I'm supposed to get the best rewards for being last!!!
Ohh yesssss that happens to me almost every 3 games and they said they fixed matchmaking HA KISS MY ASS BUNGIE
[url=https://youtu.be/f-z0uLDo_nM]Destiny - The Iron Banner Experience[/url]
Free coin bro.
That's good you got a medal for doing near nothing
That's not even bad. The other day I joined and it went straight to the post game rewards screen...
Wish there was some way to opt out of joining in on matches in progress. If I get thrown into a slaughter match where the team is losing by a lot im just going to leave anyway.
Spawned in to my team getting hit with a mercy 10 seconds later lol
I lost in orbit. Seriously.