This ones long but stick with me
Boy in class is asked by his teacher "if three birds are on a fence and a farmer shoots one how many are left"
The boy says "none"
The teacher says " Why do you say none?"
The boy "when the farmer shoots his gun the birds all fly away"
Teacher "the answer is 2 but I like the way you think"
The boy "okay teacher I got one for you. Three women are in a park eating ice cream. One is sucking it, one is licking it, and one is biting it. Which one is married?
The teacher reluctantly says "the one sucking it I guess"
The boy "actually the one with the wedding ring, but I like the way you think."
[quote]This ones long but [i]it[/i] sticks with me[/quote] My dick. Jkjk great joke tho.
Hahahaha good one
I know, my jokes are horrible