[i]She finishes off her glass, and lays the bartender as she stands and leaves the bar[/i]
[b]the woman finishes her beer and leaves walking beside you as she walks out[/b] "You seem a bit out of place here" [b]she speaks in a soft voice with a slight southern accent[/b]
[b]She hesitates, and continues walking[/b] [i]"So do you, following me around"[/i]
"I tend to keep an eye on the out of place people just in case"
[b]She shivers, not liking the sound of the sentence[/b] [i]"Mhmm..."[/i]
"You seem nervous"
[i]"Yeah, I know Don't like it when people follow me"[/i]
"You seem different then most people on that ship"