A little back ground...I'm a lvl 40 warlock stuck at 297 light for a while now. I joined a buddies party as they were a man short trying to take down oryx in the raid.
So we give it a few shots and my buddies "freind" mutes him and says "yo everyone pretend to rage quit so "**redacted**" will leave. We will get someone else in here and finish the raid." So everyone splits leaving my buddy his freind and I in the raid. I split and private chated my boy and told him whats up.
My question is what would you have done?
Stick around and get the gear or do you stick with your freind?
Xb1? If so, muted dude will still hear what is being said by the tosspot who muted. The tosspot who muted however, will not hear the person he in fact muted. It is a one way thing.....