Was it worth it, no...., will i do it again, probably; the reason it was for a month was cuz i did it another time which was the day the taken king came out, so it sucked when she barged in my room and immediately grounded me for a month but knowing she was mad, i knew she would make it 2 weeks.
So idk what I was thinking still but i played again the day after & the day after that which pissed off my mom to the point where she gave me 3 days with grounding, i accepted that. After about a week i start setting my alarm at 2:30 am & 3:00 am to wake me up and play before I go to school, I cant play during the weekdays so this was my only way to play unless I wanted to wait until Friday each week....so anyways, up until now i haven't been caught.
Funny thing that happened was that I woke up at 3 again (today) & as I was turning on my console & starting a mission, I had to take a piss so i sneak out of the room like a ninja (cuz im so good at that, *cough* *cough*; no i ain't) then i start hearing movement coming from my parents' room.
I finish taking a piss and so i stand by my room & i realize i can hear the hum of the console from the room & i immediately thought (*dam, this is so easy to hear, ima have to move my console next time, i dont feel like moving it cuz then I'd have to turn the console on and wait for destiny to load*) so I went in my room & locked it, turned on the tv (cuz i turned it off when I went to take a piss) and then the knocks of doom and the screams of grounding came to my door and as I turned the console off & pretended to act as I've been sleeping, i opened the door & wham she just said, "ur grounded for a month, i heard it", immediately thought (*i shouldve fkin listened to my gut feeling about moving the console*) now if u read this whole story congratulate you, now the whole reason i posted this was ask the destiny community, do u think it was worth it?
I'm a senior with decent grades, I was brought up playing video games starting with the Nintendo 64, my mom knows i love to play video games, yet whenever I want to play she's always restricting me to an hour (normally i ignore the fact that she just gave me an hour & play till she says no more; since I consider it inhuman, sometimes I get lucky with 2-3 hours. & this is on weekends only) cuz as I said previously i cant ever play on the weekdays. I heard of all ppl playing for longer & for each day, do u think i should leave the house & become like squidward & ask for "spare change" & move out of the house. Nah jk thats a "full retard"ed idea just like never going full titan, maybe I should kill my parents & play destiny to my hearts content until police find out like i heard on the news one time.
One things for sure, if my mom restricts me after i graduate, I swear to god im movin my ass to another city & renting an apartment. P.S. I commend u if u read this whole shit of a story, so ima ask it again, Do u think it was worth it? What should i do when trials comes out....Should I continue abiding by my moms rule of balancing thing when i go to school for 7 hours, do work for more than half that time, get home, do hw for another 3 hours, eat, sleep, then repeat for 4 days, then on Friday-Sunday play about 1-3 hours each day.
Edit: i made paragraphs, r u English teachers happy?
Edit: to answer some of the same questions, I had gotten the console as a present from my aunt but it recently broke and so my mother bought it again for a cheap price, so it's not like i can just take it away
Edit: almost 500 posts, i gotta admit, these types of topics gets more attention than topics about the game....
The fact that you're asking an online forum if it was "worth getting grounded for a month for playing Destiny at 3 am" proves that you should not (at least in the foreseeable future) rent your own apartment, as I would have genuine concern for your wellbeing. Stay in school. For as long as you legally can.
Back in my day getting grounded for being up at 3am meant you were either, A: Sneaking out to go see your girlfriend. B: Sneaking your girlfriend in. C: Sneaking out to go party with friends. Not being sneaky to play video games.
Your writing would indicate that you are too young for this game
Lol deffo not worth it. When the first black spindle mission was on I stayed up till 5am until I got it done. I have been ill ever since. Not worth it.
TL:DR Good that you got grounded for playing a video game at that time, you should already be asleep so that the adults can play without listening to annoying little sh*ts like you.
Cool story bro. Now why do I give a -blam!-? Lol
Do u not use headphones?
Who gets grounded after sixteen
If you get good grades then its all good
I just wanna tell you this is my whole life we have the same parents trust me we do this is exactly what I do and my parents catch me all the time and never let me play for more than an hour in the day so Frustrating
Your parents grounded you because you are in school and playing video games at 3 AM. When you graduate and go to collage that's on you but when your living with your parents it's their rules.
lol strict parents are funny
Lol the struggle is real. I can't play on weekdays either.
this is what you do step 1: get a fan that makes some type of noise and keep it on all night long until your parents get use to it, to cover up the noise of the console step 2:make sure no light exits ur door when it closed if it does put a blanet over you door step 3:???? step 4: PROFIT! and play destiny!
Everybody stand back! I'm going to try and communicate with it.
Hell yeah it was worth it
...I think this is why I don't want kids.
Monster Hunter - old
Put it on mute. Don't let y-...wait what the hell why am I giving you advice? No. It wasn't worth it. -
My dad bought me games all through grade school if I made all A's each semester. I got to high school and made my first D in and non A in Spanish and he didn't buy me one. I got a job and bought like 5 games with my first check. I left all the plastics on the counter like a boss.
Become Batman [spoiler]kill your parents[/spoiler]
I'm just sitting here trying to wrap my head around the fact that someone somewhere actually posted this on the Internet, and wanted people to read it.
At 3 am no I'd play play after your parents leave and when you come back home (if they both work) but on weekends I can play as much as I want
Aside from listening to the people who say "listen to your mom" (they're absolutely right), you should really take it upon yourself to get a solid 8 hours of sleep, or more. Depriving yourself of sleep for any reason is not healthy. Aside from the obvious short term effects of just being tired and making bad decisions, there is a growing body of evidence that sleep deprivation has the same negative effects as sustaining a concussion. The build up of certain enzymes and proteins in a sleep deprived brain is frighteningly similar to that of a brain that has been recently concussed. Long term, this protein build up causes severe health problems - depression, memory loss, suicidal ideation, impulsivity, chronic migraines, just to name a few. Be smart, do the right thing. Take care of yourself. Don't waste your brain for a shitty video game.
Explain to her that its that dame as watching tv except better because your actislly engaged. Not saying only play games all day but that it should always be an option especially when youd normally be watching tv
I am in the same position as you
Just remember, it doesn't matter how mean you can be to you're parents. They can always be twice as mean back to you. so my advice is to be nice and helpful. Because you're parents can also be twice as nice and twice as helpful. It might suck for you now but you'll thankful later. [spoiler]this rule also applies for cops [/spoiler]