The Pocket Infinity was nerf'd for one single reason. PVP. And now it's no longer viable in any PVP/PVE situation.
You have your choice of 3 rounds, that deplete quickly. Or, you have your choice of 5 rounds that couldn't hit the broad side of a barn.
It's Range is also the worst of any fusion rifle in the game. It used to be balanced out with a decent stability and mag size, but now it's just useless.
They nerfed Pocket Infinity. Nerfed ALL fusion rifles, hitting PI more. Then another nerf to fusion rifles, and so on.
Pocket Infinity is useless.
Please buff it back to it's former glory, especially now that all Exotic weapons have been discovered. There wasn't much to counter PI in the first month or two of the game, but now with Mythoclast, Thorn, Last Word, etc. we need the old Pocket Infinity back.