Bungie, I respect how you've shaped this game over the year it's been out, but you forgot one huge mistake.
Every year millions of guardians take their lives off the edge of the reef. Frankly, it's tiring to deal with. I myself am a ghost and have became totally shaken by the fact that I've had to revive my guardian 248 TIMES from just this cause of death.
So what I'm suggesting is this. Put a railing on the side of the reef. This may take effort and tons of money (which frankly should be payed for by the awoken) , but it will benefit the guardians and their offspring as well.
I am all for this act, WHOS WITH ME!!!
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Edit: I've heard from experts that it is the leading cause of guardian deaths. A close second is water suicide.
Edit: "Best thread I've seen all day" -LittleLostPlanet
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