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10/19/2015 9:07:01 PM
I was with you, until the last sentence. Trials is much different than normal crucible and some strats/weapons that work in one, don't in the other. Therefore, it's theoretically possible that ToM could wreck in trials, even though it's garbage in crucible.

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  • I truly don't believe trials is any different. The so called level advantage is far too minuscule to notice any difference. And if you shoot one too many bullets with the touch, that puts you at a huge disadvantage over your target. Whether it's trials or not, that perk will still only be hurting you in crucible. I guess the reason I don't see trials as anything special though could be due to the fact that the team typically run it with are monsters. We usually lose 1-2 games total across all three of our characters. So trials has never been much of a challenge for my team. Not trying to sound cocky but I honestly believe that could be the reason why I don't see trials as any different that normal crucible. But regardless, just because someone pulls out a touch of malice in trials, that doesn't mean that it's going to do any better than in a normal game mode. All it does is help your enemy kill you.

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