This is why we can't have nice things. Every game of Iron Banner at least half the people I get matched with clearly have never played control before.
-they ignore the control points and just play clash.
-it's the beginning of the match and for some reason I'm the only person going toward B.
-they try to capture all three, causing constant spawn flipping.
-"heavy ammo? For my teammates? What's that? I'll just take it myself"
-"oh the enemy [i]isn't[/i] supposed to have both heavy ammo crates?"
-aimlessly running into the same lemming death hallway over and over and over and over.
That's it. Either change iron banner to clash so even the most braindead teammate understands how the game mode works or introduce a mandatory 30 minute tutorial mode every iron banner to throughly explain how control works.
Bring shaxx in. Have him explain [i]very slowly[/i] what a control point is, how score modifiers work, and how heavy ammo works. Then show them an example game that shows good teams versus bad teams. Make everyone answer a short quiz about being a decent -blam!-ing teammate. If they score less than 80% three times they're banned from that iron banner. If a player is reported for being unhelpful too many times they have to go through the tutorial again until they stop being so terrible at control.
Deej/cozmo please bring this forward to the development team. Tell them to make it as obnoxious as possible.
They should just make it the "Zone Control" game type in this scenario then (which I would be ok with). The one where ONLY getting and holding a zone counts towards score.