"I thought you were trying to impress me..."
"What gave you that idea?"
"Well, the fact that you entered the bar looking for me. That you were interested in me." [b]he puts his face up to hers.[/b] "I can't fall in love with a helmet, dear..."
[b]she takes off her helmet.[/b] "You can ask nicely, you know." [b]she winks.[/b]
[b]he smiles, observing her face.[/b] [spoiler]describe her in detail. Tell me what I'm looking at. I know you can do it ^-^[/spoiler]
[b]she had a face that made her look young, it fit well with her short blonde hair. She had blue eyes, a scar next to her left eye.[/b]
[spoiler]there u go! That's a very good start! [/spoiler] [b]he smiles. She really was beautiful.[/b] "Say, I think this place is closing soon... We have three options I can think of."
"And those three are?"
"Either we go our separate ways which, well, would be pretty disappointing, we go to your place, which is a good idea although I don't knoe if you [i]do[/i] have a place, or we go to my place. Which is, in my opinion, the best of them all."
"I choose your place then. Mines...not exactly clean.."
"Good! Very good choice. I would have practiced my courtship here but, I do believe the owner wouldn't enjoy that very much." [b]he laughs.[/b]
[b]she chuckles.[/b] "I don't think he would either..."
"Come now. The night awaits!" [b]he takes her hands, pays for the beers and walks out.[/b]
[b]she follows after[/b] "How far is it?"
"Not too far. It's only a temporary house so... it's not much, I'm afraid."
"It's better than nothing right?"
"I suppose so, yes."
[b]she chuckles.[/b]
"And through here... and... ah! There we go."
[b]she smiles[/b] "Thanks for doing this by the way..."
"What, this? How could I refuse? Especially from such a beautiful woman." [b]he smiles as he opens the door.[/b]
[b]she blushes.[/b] "I'm not THAT beautiful."
"Well, in the records of women I've seen, you indeed are [u]that[/u] beautiful." [b]he chuckles.[/b]
[b]She walks in after him[/b] "Th-Thank you..."
[spoiler]we should probably swap to PMs now[/spoiler]