@Siffow --- These are the ones I am having issues with
I am going to rerun the quest chain on my hunter for both The house of wolves and The dark below to see if either of the below are resolved by running the quest itself again. This will test post 2.0 quest line.- I will update with my results.
Activities > The Dark Below > Disciples of Crota - Will Eris Morn provide the quest again to kill Eyes, Hand and Heart of Crota again ever?
To unlock the "Will of Crota" quest, players need to first complete Eyes of Crota, Hand of Crota and Heart of Crota. In this quest, players need to defeat Omnigul in The Will of Crota Strike on Earth.
Enemies > Exalted Hive > Omnigul, will of crota (STRIKE - Will of Crota) - I think its not completing as it has to be done on this quest.
Activities > The Dark Below > Urn of Sacrifice - Will Xur ever sell this again?
Enemies > Exhaulted Hive > The forsaken - Defeating The Forsaken in Ritual of the Forsaken (Urn of Sacrifice)
Activities > The House of Wolves > Gone to Ground- I did the storyline that goes along with this and House of Wolves quest chain. Why did I not get credit?
Activities > The House of Wolves > The Ruling House - Same as above for Gone to the Ground I didn't get credit.
Activities > Crucible Arenas
Cathedral of Dusk - Is this a new Trials of Osiris map?
I am working on running classic 3v3 for Salvage to unlock Black Shield, Thieves' Den, Timekeeper, and Widow's Court - I will update my post if I am able to.
I also have not unlocked Skyshock. What is the best playlist for this?
(UPDATE: 5:40AM 10/27)
My Hunter is in progress on "The House of Wolves" I will update those two as well once I complete it.
Next update TBD on vacation next week.
FAILED 10/24- I completed The Dark Below quest chain with Eris - The "Will of Crota" STRIKE is the last part of "The Dark Below" quest chain and it did not grant me Enemies > Exalted Hive > Omnigul, will of crota Grimoire.
FAILED 10/24- Activities > The Dark Below > Disciples of Crota - Will this ever be added to The Dark Below quest line? Will Eris Morn provide the quest again to kill Eyes, Hand and Heart of Crota again? Just killing these separately does not grant credit. It appears you need to be on the quest.
UNAVALIBLE 10/24- Activities > The Dark Below > Urn of Sacrifice - Will Xur ever sell the Urn again?
UNAVALIBLE 10/24- Enemies > Exhaulted Hive > The forsaken - Defeating The Forsaken in Ritual of the Forsaken. This is done during "Urn of Sacrifice" quest, which is started by the Urn Xur sold during The Dark Below.
Doubles > Black Shield = FAILED - Did not grant Grimoire. Completed round on "Inferno Doubles"
Doubles > Thieves' Den, = TBD working to roll map doubles
Doubles > Timekeeper = TBD working to roll map on doubles
Doubles > Widow's Court = FAILED - Did not grant Grimoire. Completed round on "Inferno Doubles"
Will try to get "Skyshock" when Combined Arms appears - TY @IronK93
Will try to get "Cathedral of Dusk" this week durning holiday event.
I'm missing nearly all those cards too ....I got alll dlc at once so Its my fault I cant get them but thanks for trying it and showcasing your results :)
Skyshock is best unlocked via Combined Arms, when it's in town. So are Bastion & First Light.
OK thanks for the tip I will try that this week.
An update on Skyshock, Bastion, & First Light: The Classic 6 v 6 playlist cycles through Control, Clash, & Combined Arms. I can confirm that I have played Skyshock & First Light through this playlist recently. I already had the aforementioned grimoire cards unlocked prior to TTK, so I do not know if unlock glitches are presently occurring with respect to these cards.
Cathedral of Dusk is a new map, most likely the first in Trials of Osiris V2. Try playing the original missions (not heroic) and make sure that you do them in order as the questlines go (this might be the cause of the problem) As for strikes you will have to play the lvl 20 strike from the map, not in any playlists.
Thanks for your response. I am going to wait for Trials on that one map. As for the mission/quest card pre TTK. I am working on my hunter and I hope to have update this weekend.