For anyone looking to raid and anyone looking for instruction or help!
Oryx is calling, and we have his number!
post whether you need fresh raid or if you are needing help moving from a certain cp!
lets all be respectful and remember destiny is a aren't something to yell and make people uncomfortable over.
Also remember this is Destiny...stuff does get glitchy, and shit happens...and most people will prefer most guardians at 290+ with a decent sniper...and also those that don't raid with inexperienced players have to experience the raid/cp's to gain experience, lend a hand, help those who need it...please...
Raid On![b][/b] [b][/b]
(First time kings fall raid)Looking to do the raid just up to oryx, you can be inexperienced as long as you have good patience, listen and are 295+ light, experienced people are also welcome as long as you have good patience and are willing to help GT Lauracookie (Xbox one)