This topic will be segmented into spoilers - mostly for readability's sake - as this is an incredibly long post and not everyone will want to read all of it. There's a TL;DR at the end just in case you miss something.
Before we begin, a few points of note (Please read) -
[spoiler][b]Disclaimer #1[/b]: Please, keep this discussion civilized. I realize some people may not share my views (I might be crazy, for all you know!) and I'd like to hear why! But comments such as "Git gud scrub" or "Lol rekt" or even simply "You don't know what you're talking about" do not foster healthy discussion - let alone solve the current PvP class balance issues.
[b]Disclaimer #2[/b]: Destiny statistics are hard to come by. The best I can do is and its fairly weak statistics. I'm sorry I can't do better - and if someone does have a better source, please let me know. Realize that the statistics on Destiny Tracker (DTR) aren't a complete representation of balance, and as such much of my balance reasoning is inferred from logic instead of DTR's statistics - I try not to pick and choose statistics that prove my point though, and if you catch me doing this please let me know so I can fix it.
[b]Disclaimer #3[/b]: Due to the way DTR tracks Shadowshot kills and the rapid onset of the disease known as the Bottomless Quiver, it's impossible to get an accurate read on Nightstalker super kills and KDA. As such, I'll mostly leave them out of the conversation (I personally believe they are in a good spot balance-wise - with one slight tweak I'll get to later).[/spoiler]
Why I believe Hammer of Sol ([b]Not Sunbreaker[/b]) is overpowered:
[spoiler]Golden Gun - the top scoring super in PvP on DTR - has a total of 199m kills over a total population of 44% of Hunters' ~2.1m players. That equates to 199m/(2.1m*.44) = 215.37 kills per player using Golden Gun.
Hammer of Sol has a total of 130m kills over a total population of 15% of Titans' ~2m players. That equates to 130/(2*.15) = 433.33 kills per player using Hammer of Sol. Hammer of sol is [b]twice as effective[/b] over a time period that is an entire year shorter. That's right - Hammer of Sol has already surpassed 60% of Golden Gun's kills in a short 1.5 months! And while some of this can be attributed to the much larger population (Many of which would not have already joined DTR) and the addition of Mayhem (Which should affect Gunslinger too, though not to the same extent) the rapid rise of Sunbreaker's kills isn't something that can be ignored (Stormcaller to a lesser extent, but more on this later!).
Combine this data with the fact that Hammer of Sol has no fatal weak point (The closest I can get is hammers having travel time, which is unimportant in the highly-CQC-biased map pool) and it adds to a super that sounds too good to be true.[/spoiler]
Before I go any further: If you have read the above and disagree based on Sunbreaker's weak neutral game, I believe that if Hammer of Sol is nerfed that Sunbreaker neutral game should be buffed to compensate - depending on the size of the nerf.
My balance standpoint is that all classes should be about the same power-wise as Stormcaller - Strong neutral game with a large power spike in their super. No player should feel [i]weaker[/i] at any point in the game for choosing a specific subclass! Based on DTR's statistics - The rapid kill accumulation of all 3 Y2 subclasses, along with their abnormally high KDA relative to Y1 classes - I've come to the conclusion that for this to happen, [i]all[/i] Y1 subclasses need varying degrees of buffs and reworks. Admittedly, it is unlikely that Bungie will take the time to do this in a healthy manner, but ideally I believe this to be the best option for a strong PvP balance and metagame.
With that out of the way, my ideas on balancing Sunbreaker?
[quote]1) Remove Cauterize and replace it with a new perk - Indomitable Flames. Creates an overshield of X strength when the Titan has taken no damage for Y seconds (Longer than natural shield regen timer). This overshield does not benefit from armor, only regenerates after not taking damage for Y seconds, and does not regenerate during Hammer of Sol. (Just a suggestion - I'm open to hearing others' ideas for a replacement perk!) EDIT: Due to PvE being affected by this change, added: [i]Health regeneration starts immediately when your flames bring down a minion of the darkness.[/i]
2) Catapult is replaced with an equivalent of the exotic perk from Twilight Garrison (Evade in air). Twilight Garrison's perk gains an additional buff - what it is, I can't say. Something that fits thematically, if anyone has a suggestion.
3) Simmering Flames' buff is altered. Instead of requiring super to be up, the perk is now a stacking buff that gains stacks based on super amount - 1 stack for 0 super power, 2 stacks for half super power, and 3 stacks for readied super. 3 stacks is equivalent to the current Simmering Flames buff.[/quote]
The above changes do 3 things - remove a significant portion of power from Hammer of Sol, drastically increases Sunbreaker's neutral game power, and opens up different options for Sunbreakers to choose from. I personally believe this puts Sunbreaker into a much healthier position - both in terms of PvP balance for the opposing team and enjoyment for the Sunbreaker.
I have not had the time to do a comprehensive pass on each subclass, but I look forward to hearing others' ideas both on my suggestions for Sunbreaker and on other subclasses - and if anyone has a good subclass rework/rebalance, let me know so I can add it in!
Thank you for your time, and I truly hope this sparks a healthy discussion.
Hammer of Sol is overpowered but Sunbreaker is not. As such, Hammer of Sol needs to be nerfed but with this nerf there needs to be neutral game buffs for Sunbreaker. I've provided a (What I consider to be) decent proposition as to a set of changes that brings about the intended results.
I believe that PvP balance will be at its healthiest when we balance subclasses such that they have strong neutral games and strong supers. This should lead to less disappointment in any given subclass and more interesting gameplay!
If you support this thread, please bump it. Not for the likes/replies for me (It actually drains my battery, hng) - but because I truly believe that most people are interested in a healthy and fair PvP game, and as such should be given the chance to talk about it without fear of being yelled at.
EDIT 1: I believe the only thing required to bring Nightstalker in line with the other Y2 classes (Assuming Sunbreaker is changed similarly to what I posted) is to allow tether to activate immediately [i]on direct hit when not using Quiver.[/i] The reason it is not coupled with Quiver is to prevent the fringe case of a single Nightstalker shutting down 3 supers with a single super.
EDIT 2: Some changes were made to the Sunbreaker alterations. Please reread if you'd read them already.
Let's face it: sunbreaker is unbalanced. It needs a [i]slight[/i] nerf. I've played it a bit, and in my opinion a small armor reduction for HoS would be fine. I just hope that Bungie doesn't see all of these nerf threads and decide to nerf it into the ground. I'd rather it be how it is now than be useless. -A hunter main
A minor dip in the resistance on hammer of sol would fix it easily. This also works as an effective nerf of cauterize during super by requiring kills more often to offset the greater incoming damage, and also allow a one hit kill from GG and high impact snipers. The issue on the supper is improper balance of survivability and damage output. As is it's low risk mid to high reward. The risk would be shifted up to mid risk level for balance. I also agree that the old subs could use a buff. I'd say a slight buff of radiance effects, pvp damage buffs for striker, void walker, and blade dancer ( and or a buff to stagger ability). Slight buff to defender in pve. Not exactly sure where. Rework GG or better damage. I'd like to see GG function more like hammer of sol in the use meter. Maybe hard cap shots at 6 but each shot eats part of the meter with max duration of about the same time and tuned so average shots in pvp is still around 3. So basically the user could either stay stationary and unleash a huge burst of DPS or move around and be able to take out a few important targets. This would be a pve buff and relatively neutral change in pvp as you can't really activate GG while under fire and live for the full 6 shots unless the other team is just horrible. The only other potential pvp problem from this would be GG would be buffed vs bubbles and for objective defense in team games with greater than 3 players or 3 players with self Rez. But put waiting the super would still work just as well to counter this.
Edited by FlandreScarlette: 10/22/2015 12:37:52 PMRemoving Cauterize is still one of the dumbest fixes to HoS I've heard of yet, sorry. If Sunbreakers lose that, then Bladedancers and Voidwalkers should lose their recovery perks. Simmering flames would overall....just be a slight buff. Very minor. Improving their....jump by giving them a free Garrison is your idea of a buff to the class? Sorry, I cannot agree. I love the calm, civil approach, but this feels off. Those aren't buffs, in my opinion. And removing cauterize for some random shield that disappears when you use HoS? What... Cauterize is the only thing Sunbreakers have going for them outside of their super, why remove it for some bad shield? If anything, their melee needs a buff, and they need more utility instead of super devotion. If they lowered the time of HoS by 4-5 seconds, it would lower hammers thrown, and reduce roaming time. One final nerf would be to reduce their armor by 5% or so. To buff them...yeah, I've never heard of Bungie doing anything to rework a class, so I can't quite think of a realistic or rational way to do it. EDIT: I don't even wanna know why people think Nightstalker needs a buff. That class is already damn amazing in PvE and PvP. Geezus.
Its neutral game is as good as the other subclasses. The fact that the subclass upgrades are focused on the super doesn't change that.
Edited by TheANSER42: 10/22/2015 1:28:33 PMHammers can be shot out of the air and it is difficult to hit jumping enemies with hammers. It can take 2-3 hammers to kill a guy. Hammers should do 210 damage so it can't one shot other supers. Besides that it's fine. People just don't know how to counter it yet. The same thing happened with bladedancer s in the beginning of year one. People have, since then, found good ways to kill them. The same thing will happen with sunbreakers. Maybe lower the speed at which you recover with cauterize
Edited by MaDhaTtER5680: 10/22/2015 1:14:32 PMThey say, "Oh, we are talking about sunbreakers? Well night stalker needs a buff.". Guys I'm a Titan main and alt and third. I've had Titans for a long time. Night stalkers get me hot and bothered though. Void bow with a tether, smoke grenades and shadestep? Shaaaaawiiiinnnggg!!! That class is badass in general. I don't think the tether needs any changes personally. The bow isn't supposed to be a void golden gun with quiver. Its a support class. Yes the Sunbreaker will most likely get a nerf. But if we don't take super into consideration, I'd rather play a defender for their neutral game. Sunbreaker is a clear option however because of how many kills you can get with it. I don't think a sniper headshot should kill them though. It barely kills a warlock(leaving the ram out of it) and Titans are flippin Titans. We get armor and a jet pack. (OP out of the gate lol jk). Maybe a slower cauterize recovery or something. The main thing I think we need however is less hammers. Sunbreakers are not any different than golden gun though. I run from them all the time. Not because they have cauterize but because the have a one hit kill revolver with aim assist from heaven (or hell, haven't decided). In conclusion, I think sunbreakers need a nerf, night stalkers are OK where theyre at and Defenders should be OP as fvck. Because, reasons. ^^^^^Right!?!?!?!^^^^^^^
It's mostly just cauterize but I agree with everything else
I agree with a lot of this post, but would maybe not making cauterize into an overshield. I've heard a suggestion saying it should only work on grenades and melees, which is very fair, but I do like your simmering flames rework. And yes, year one subclasses definitely need reworked, because why does the sunbreaker get a perk to get melee back on kill when striker only gets a chance? When they're the melee focused titan subclass? And I don't know about stormcallers right now. While I love them I feel if sunbreaker weren't all the rage right now people would be complaining about them. With ionic blink I can easily wipe out the entirety of a team, given the chance.
I'm pretty sure there are some good points in there...
My first thought: OP wrote too much. Second thought: its worth reading, not a whiny complaint post, and includes a reasonable attempt at analysis and constructive suggestions. Nice job, OP. Thanks for making the effort! Bump for healthy participation.
You mentioned a slight buff to Nightstalkers, which I personally think needs to be a faster tether speed. Other than that, they're, I mean purple? Whatever, you get what I mean. The tether just needs to activate faster, a lot of time I shoot the arrow, get shot several times, then the tether activates. Now usually I survive getting shot once or twice, but with a hammer, one throw is all they need, and while I can and usually do shutdown their super, I usually die as well (Super being HoS and sometimes Stormtrance)
It's simple, nerf the shield especially the recharge. And then either take off tracking or reduce area of effect. It shouldn't really affect pve but turns off God mode in pvp and doesn't break it enough for people to cry about it (although they probably will)
Leave cauterize, you aren't thinking about pve here, cauterize is one of the most useful perks on pve
Cauterize is probably the only good perk besides the super oh wait, how about we just remove every perk except the super and then it will be balanced!
I personally think Hammer of Sol should be first-person and see how that plays out for a while. It's pretty broken how a titan can simply turn their camera and throw a hammer without even facing an enemy. Add to the fact that's it's ranged, has a huge blast radius to the point where it feels like the hammers have grenades and horseshoes on, and the insane armor buff.
Wow...I actually have only 1 problem with this. I'm of the opinion that Cauterize should ONLY proc on grenades and melee. No super kills should proc the heal. Other than that, knock the armor down to Stormtrance level and we're golden.
Awesome! I started seeing all the pro HoS threads coming up referring to tracker stats... But it's obvious as soon as you look that 6 subs have been contributing for over a year, 3 for much less time. And HoS is still winning lol. Thanks, OP, for taking the time to do this.
I'll give this a thumbs up!
Don't liek the shield perk, something else. But great post
Nice Job
I like it
Personally, I feel like the only real buff that needs to be made, is to make Shadowshot instantaneous on impact. That would provide a hard counter to Sunbreaker, without overly destroying its Super.
Buuuump. I like your ideas. Perhaps us Hunters could get a more useful grenade on our Nightstalkers? It seems like I only get grenade kills when I'm lucky or someone isn't paying attention.