originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[spoiler]You asked.[/spoiler]
*A simple flicker, and she is right next to you, your arms held in a vice-like grip for a moment before you are thrown across the room into the wall*
"Really? Odd. I would have heard of you in that case."
[spoiler]Yush[/spoiler] He slowly stands up again. "Just an expression....damn." He rolls his shoulders a bit, walking back towards you.
"Interesting. Adjusting parameters. Engage." *She settles into a fighter's stance, and you can see what looks to be some kind of plate-like armor on her arms*
He swings with the sword, obviously putting some force behind the swing.
*A clang of metal, and she catches the blade between two fingers* "Strong. Good." *She twists under the blade and knocks your legs from under you*
He falls to the ground, defenseless and no way of striking back.
*She waits for him to get back up, squatting next to him* "Well come on now, it's no fun to eat somebody who's just lying there."
He gets up suprisingly fast, slugging her in the face as he got up.
*She rocks back slightly, then turns it into a backroll to her feet* "Not bad for a human. That almost hurt." *Insert Matrix come at me gesture*
[spoiler]Lol[/spoiler] The man rushes straight at her with the sword raised, leaving his chest open and unguarded.
*Right before he hits her, she pivots and slams her palm into the center of his chest with the power of a freight train, sending him flying into the wall*
He hits the wall with extreme force, cracking the wall and falling on his own sword. He lays there, dead and unmoving.
"May it be known that he fell knowing his fate, with a blade in his hand." *She strides over to the fallen body, then with a muttered word, the body combusts. As the ashes settle, she strides back into the shadows, muttering* "I'm still hungry though."