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Edited by Malphisto: 10/22/2015 7:09:15 AM


Bungie... Its time to cut the crap. By now you are already fully aware of this article that has been picking up speed circulating around the community: The article itself validates everything that people have been saying for quite sometime, since the very start of this. It is definitive fact at this point, it can no longer be dismissed as just some theory. Choosing to further ignore it is only going to allow the flames to continue spreading. [b]Your lack of communication has been the most damaging to the game.[/b] You either ignore most feedback posts or you toss a random comment in which is basically the same thing each time. That isn't communication. That's placating. You need to [u][b]"converse"[/b][/u] with us. You need to [u][b]"involve"[/b][/u] the community more when it comes to this game. HONESTY is the best policy. YOU should have made us aware of these things yourself. Instead, you let everyone speculate on their own and do their own investigations...allow the players to fight each other and argue among themselves. That doesn't help you at all. All that does is create a VERY volatile situation and a tense atmosphere which grows thick with bitterness and anger. Whatever your reasons are for picking and choosing who you respond to and why the vast majority of feedback posts get ignored, you can't just ignore these things. You can't allow tempers to flare and continue burning. Its not going to just fizzle out. These issues and subjects aren't going to just fade away. People are going to remember. People are going to keep bringing these problems up, regardless of whether or not they are a Year 1 or Year 2 player. Look. Myself and many others have already invested $100 into this game. You NEED to acknowledge this. We already know Activision sets the pricing for this game. That's not something you can control. We get that. But what you CAN control is the game content itself and what the players can get. You NEED to make amends for this. I haven't bought TTK. For a number of reasons. However, of those reasons, there are two which stand out the most that are the only real roadblocks keeping me from continuing onward. [b]1:[/b] I'm still waiting for my $100 investment to match the value. When the expansion was released, I honestly expected to see a slew of new things added to the game that Year 1 players would have instant access to without having to spend more money. Its compensation. You know, the Ghost Scanning that encouraged exploration in TTK? I thought that would show up in the Year 1 content. I thought that was something you were doing for the game on the whole that [b]EVERYONE[/b] could enjoy. I thought everyone was going to be able to hit level 40 and earn Legendary Marks and buy the new vendor gear [b]WITHOUT[/b] having to purchase TTK. Hell, I at least expected that VIP black Shader, Emblem and Sparrow were going to be given to everyone for free, at the very least. And that is the root of the problem. You are wanting money for everything. You aren't giving back enough to the community for them having supported you and your game. The end result? Feelings of betrayal. [b]2:[/b] Lack of Reason. I can't justify spending hours upon hours doing the same activity over and over again with this game anymore at this point. I did that in Year 1. I farmed the Vault of Glass. I did the Nightfall as often as I could. I did Prison of Elders and battled with the nonsense that is LFG sites. Why? What was all that for? I didn't spend all that time because I had nothing else better to do. There were plenty of things I could have done with my time. I chose to go through all that hassle (because it was a hassle for me) to get specific Legendary/Exotic Weapons and Armor. I didn't even hunt for these things, I spammed for them because everything is at the mercy of an RNG Loot System which drove me crazy. And then when all was said and done, TTK comes out and you tell me that I can't continue upgrading any of that stuff. Hundreds of hours flushed down the toilet, dude. I didn't do all that work so that I could keep redoing the same content over and over until the end times. And I personally find it insulting when you say things like "well you can at least keep those weapons and use them from time to time in VOG" or whatever. [b]Not everyone went out and got a Fatebringer to have some glorified trophy. If you were to put out a new Arc Damage Hand Cannon with better stats or new perks that caught my interest more, I would replace it in a heartbeat. I care more about function, performance and reliability in my guns when it comes to Shooters. However, I want to be the one to make that decision on whether or not a gun is replaced, not have that choice forced on me just so I can maintain the highest possible numbers. (Damage and Defense, basically the Light Level)[/b] If I can't bring all of my old weapons and armor forward with me and keep that Year 1 content relevant? Then what's the point of putting anymore time into the game? I don't grind for the sake of grinding. I grind because I'm working towards a goal. But when you kill the value of that goal, then it loses all meaning or sense of accomplishment. THAT is why so many feel as though Year 1 was a total waste of time, effort and money. We have literally nothing to show for all that hard work. Whatever the reasons are, the fact remains that the players have been made to shoulder the weight of Bungie's decisions. Example: [quote]According to one source, Jones also told the team that he wanted a less linear story—one in which the player could decide where to go at any time. That became one of Destiny’s key pillars.[/quote] The game is still linear only with no actual story. Having a linear story is [b]PERFECTLY FINE SO LONG AS IT IS A GOOD STORY.[/b] Its been a total and complete failure. The Iron Bar was not successful. And you can't say things like "well everyone will have to judge it for themselves" because that is called passing the buck. That is called not taking accountability. Just like when people come on here to tell others "if you don't like it don't buy it and leave" crap. It shouldn't be about that. You should be trying to work towards creating a product that resolves these conflicts and answers those questions and concerns. Now we know that TTK Expansion is nothing but more of the same cut content from Year 1. That Dreadnought was taken out and reused for Year 2. Destiny and this community deserves more. MUCH more. And YOU need to start being far more open with us about things. Again, we shouldn't have to hear about shit a year later from some third party conducting their own private investigations. Its wrong. It shows what little faith and trust you have in your community that you think people wouldn't still support you or this game if you weren't just upfront and being honest about things. Instead, you end up hiding it which only leaves room to breed doubt and negativity. At this point? People feel as though they can't trust you anymore because they feel as though you've been taking advantage of them. And you really have been. Its time to start making things right with us. [b]EDIT: For those looking for Cozmo's reply it can be found here: Credit goes to BSteeleCC for making the suggestion to include the link in the post itself.[/b]

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  • Edited by II Stargazer x: 10/21/2015 7:55:56 AM
    Well said

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  • I live in hope that the old version of destiny lives on a hard drive somewhere at bungie and in about 25 years when we fire up the ps4/ xb1 emulators on our PCs it will be leaked!

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    7 Replies
    • Have another bump

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    • Bump

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    • Bump for later

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    • This is the most honest, truthful, and articulate post that I've ever seen on the forums. And, it perfectly describes how I (and many others) feel.

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    • Bump. For justice.

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    • A lot of good points made, particularly about Year One gear.

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    • great to see that at least some people care about that game.

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    • Okay, where the -blam!- is the Bungie reply? The forum says this has a Bungie reply. Where the -blam!- is the Bungie reply? Did they delete it? Are they pussies? Most likely.

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      • why is everyone going so mental about this? 1: if the game annoys you so much, if it's so bad, then QUIT! please, by all means quit. 2. Destiny might be the most fun, community based, well-rounded, content-rich (grind-wise speaking), and generally good looking and INCREDIBLY well-playing (it just FEELS good) shooter ever. 3. Welcome to the real-world. mistakes are made, promises are broken, deadlines are strict and not everything that's possible is do-able. How in the world can people honestly say Bungie doesn't give a *blam* about the community when they're one of the few developers who are so active in updates, balancing (not always succesfully) the gameworld, listening to the community? I have in my life NEVER met a community that on the one hand is so great (playing Destiny online brings out the best in many players), but on the other hand is nothing less than a TOXIC SNAKE PIT of greedy people in the forums... It's never good enough, it's never a positive note or a thank you for the great gameworld you have designed and the small secrets that we're still finding out about every other week.... I feel bad for Deej, Cosmo, Luke Smith and all of Bungie that they have to read this while they (I honestly believe this) want the best for Destiny and for its players... It really seems like it's never good enough for some of the forum warriors.. It honestly gets me pissed off to read people b*tching about the price of an MMO. What the hell did you expect? WoW cost 15 per month!! Of course there are problems with the story, and there are a lot of interesting notions and characters in the game that unfortunately haven't gotten the attention they deserve... But that doesn't take away from all the GOOD things that Bungie has done and does... So go ahead and call me a fanboy, but THANK YOU BUNGIE, and sorry for all the negative bullsh*t that floods these forums everyday.

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        21 Replies
        • Nice post, now ask to yourself THE QUESTION: Why [b]the same people[/b] that lead the game to this point should change attitude? Quit hoping for the best, it'll never happen under the same management, on the contrary it's only going to be worse (microtransactions anyone?). I'm only looking forward to one simple thing: I really hope that The Division does not disappoint. Can't wait.

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          • Edited by PlutoIsAPlanet: 10/21/2015 10:54:27 AM
            They should be transparent on this situation and say "Yes we messed up during the development period" any further denying or dodging this type of subject matter would really dig themselves farther down the hole that they already have. By now I think I could die if I we're to fall down the hole that Bungie made. [spoiler]Either ways it's a loss-loss situation now that I think about it.[/spoiler]

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            • Pretty great article man. You are being a pretty rational thinker with this one. Sadly though sols has seemed to become part of bungies yes men. Kinda sad to see people go the way of compromise, but to each their own.

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              • For comparison people should look up the MMO succesor to Ultima Online called Shroud of the Avatar aka SotA. What a differenc good communication makes! They have a weekly update on the design process and involve their customers into the whole process! People come up with ideas and Lord British aka Richard Garriot [i]implements[/i] them! Bungie could learn from them.

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                • It says bungie replied... Where is the reply?

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                  • I am not sure if they can change or even want to change because their business model is profitable for them at this stage. As they have a good fan base 6% of the original game purchasers whom choose to continue to throw money to TV when asked. If they had any intension of changing , we would see The Taken King introductions posted on instead of third party websites , we would see Cosmo and Deej interacting with community as Community managers , we would see Luke Smith keeping his mouth shut etc.. Many things changed in Destiny up to today , the only non changed thing is the lack of respect Bungie showed towards Guardians.

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                  • God, DAMN these are the worst community managers for any community! Are you looking for what Bungie said in this topic? It is the dumbass acting like an idiot with 40+ replies and Cozmo said "You should really keep it civil." Damn that is laughable! A joke!

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                  • You miss one post from deej two days ago, where he wrote "we want an honest opinion"... We always give you our honest opinion, but you wont listen us XDD

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                    2 Replies
                    • Out of curiosity, have Cozmo or Deej ever responded to ANY of your threads? I think you post some of the best stuff here, but I can't recall either ever responding to you. If they haven't then that's a shame.

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                      6 Replies
                      • Wow I just read all of that, amazing thread.

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                        • Edited by Amari: 10/21/2015 11:35:09 AM

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                        • Lol your still bitching.

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