[i]For fark sakes.[/i]
Who thought this was a good idea? Was it the same guy that sat in on a meeting and thought "lawl, now wait a week" was a great idea for a quest step? Was he drunk? Are you sure? Did you check? You should probably go check. He could be passed out with his hand stuck in the vending machine and require emergency assistance.
Seriously though, its irritating and a real slap in the face after the amount of effort people put into finding and completing these exotics quests. Its like getting grounded for a week after coming home with a straight A report card.
( No really though, go check the vending machines just to be safe ).
[i]For fark sakes 2.0[/i]
I'm not sure why people are talking about RNGesus or vanilla Destiny. This isn't a binary problem with only two solutions. Exotic quest lines aren't going to vanish because the requirement to sit on your ass for a week or wait for a certain quest on a certain day were removed. I'm not not sure why people think being drip fed existing content makes the game better or more "fair" or whatever.
It would be a different story if we were talking about new content being created and added on a semi regular basis. But I'm referring to existing content we already knew about weeks in advance. Which was not available at release and/or which Bungie allowed us to run around trying to find without telling us it was impossible. Bungie does have the ability to keep things out of the database away from our prying eyes as well as the ability to not hype something a month before release without mentioning the little problem that it wouldn't be available at release.
[b]Let me bullet point this:[/b]
1. Showing players things they can't have without telling them they can't have it = BAD.
2. Forcing players to wait and watch for a specific day / time window ( people have lives you know ) to obtain something or miss out = BAD.
3. Forcing players to wait for a week or two at random in the middle of a quest line for no reason whatsoever = BAD.
At no point did I suggest we should all go back to chasing the White Whale, er, Gally as the ideal exotic solution. ( and you guys do remember there were exotic quests before TTK, right? )
The ideal exotic solution would be for exotics to be a balanced mixture of engrams, quest lines and challenges ( such as Black Spindle. ) without the pointlessly arbitrary stop gaps of forced waiting periods or limited time windows. Those serve no purpose at all to the players. They may serve a purpose to Bungie or Activision ( Stretching limited available content, trying to finish content that they should have had ready at release, etc ) but that is not in [b]our[/b] interest. That's in [b]their [/b]interest.
The game should be in the player's interest. We're the ones who play it, support it and paid for it.
( Really though, did you check the vending machines yet? I'm getting worried. )
How else are they going to keep people playing without DLC and with just a few missions sprinkled throughout the year from their microtransaction budget?
I actually have no problem with timegated Exotic quests. It actually adds something to the game for me and gives me something to look forward to in the weeks to come. If all of the Exotics were available every single day then, knowing myself, I would grind them out back-to-back-to-back and they wouldn't really mean much. Now I can look forward to completing a new quest line in another couple of weeks. Waiting for Lost to Light to pop up again so I can get another Black Spindle and a chance for that elusive Vienna Singer ship.
Stop crying
At least this quest was actually pretty fun. Sleeper simulant had no story to it, but each step of no time to explain was actually enjoyable
I totally agree, especially with the "wait for Armsday" part. Like what the hell? Who? Who could've thought that would be fine?
I have come to realize that destiny is a lot like Pokemon.... But you know, with guns. You want that new super rare shiny Pokemon? You have to be able to play at a specific time, under specific circumstances in order to get it. My wife decided she wants to hog the TV to marathon how to get way with murder, so I did not get a chance to play yesterday. I woke up early to start the quest before the reset. I am hoping I can finish it today.
I think it's stupid, but the part I hate more is "Hey, let's wait until a random day with no warning whatsoever to release this quest for this exotic everyone has been searching for. People actually thought there were secrets and steps they needed to complete to unlock stages, and they searched, and they did well, but ultimately it's just been down to some guy at bungie pushing the button that says "k they can have it now". It's not a good idea, it's bad design, it's takes out a lot of the fun. Can you imagine if praedyths ghost triggered the NTtE quest immediately? How much more exciting would it have been discovering all of it for the first time? Took out all the momentum, the excitement of a new discovery faded and by the time it finally came around yesterday it was just a case of "oh, so that's what that was. Neat." That's not the way to release exotics. It just makes obtaining them tedious.
Edited by SpakulatorX: 10/21/2015 1:13:43 PMI told my friends I'm pissed off about this time gated bs, and even more upset that I have to wait a week to change my faction back. So here it goes. *cries like a baby*
You have to remember, one of Destiny biggest gimmicks is falsely extending playtime by exactly what you are calling them out for. This is just another of many, many methods they use to artificially extend play time. They know how many people they lost after HoW when people blew threw everything in a week maybe 2 tops and they aren't going to let that happen again. This new method in their mind is a way to keep people hanging around and constantly thinking there is a new exotic right around the corner.
Good things come to those who wait. Go outside ffs...................
The guy will be released from the vending machine in a week.. Seriously though i'm not too worried about this, more upset at the grinding helium fragments on the moon to further my sword quest to the small hours of the morning with other lvl 40s, no challenge just killing low levels with solar.. what is this? What a time sink.. lets compensate you with + 50 rep oh that makes me feel better lol.
Agree. I can't have the reward because I wasn't able to play and retrieve the ghosts during the last paradox daily. I literally did every step of the quest with friends to help them yesterday but I'm the only one locked out of the exotic.
Did a new one just get revealed? What's the quest?
all this timegate and 'wait till armsday' shit is boring me
LFG for [b][i]No Time To Explain[/i][/b] must have [b][i]max vending machine[/i][/b] and Snickers.
I don't mind the idea of time gating exotics, however what I do mind is the fact that these always pop up during the week. Luckily I have been able to complete most of them with the exception of NTT. I don't understand why they don't just make it so that the missions that can give you these exotic items or quests appear on weekends when the majority of players have a chance to play. S
It's their way of slowing you down and making you play longer. If you want the items, you wait.
Still waiting for Astrocyte verse, since they gave warlocks ugly legendary helmets and our only exotic helmets are meh. I miss my Skull of Dire Ahamkara, that thing was a beast.
Edited by Sylvestris: 10/21/2015 11:53:11 AMI don't have an issue with timegating so much as I have an issue with windowing. When a new quest becomes available, leave it available. No qualms with content being gradually released, just keep it accessible.
I actually agree on all points including them checking the vending machine.
It's a good thing they don't have like half each sub classes armor time gated and behind walls. Oh...... nvm
Please it's so dumb >:( I hate it just let it all be available on day 1 of dlc
I think its awesome. I play Destiny daily, even if its just for an hour. Most of the people I play with play daily as well. I like the Timegating because a few people on my friends list play non stop anytime something new is happening and then they go away. Sometimes they miss out. I honestly don't know why someone would want to just collect everything and then not play the game. To me, the fun is getting the loot and then using it.
Eggsactly. You want to time hate one or two exotics, fine. But how many need to be time gated? It is lazy programming with the carrot in a stick mentality. What it says to me is that there will not be any new content for a LONG time so Spongie is dragging out the ability to get new items. It's a lazy philosophy.