[i]For fark sakes.[/i]
Who thought this was a good idea? Was it the same guy that sat in on a meeting and thought "lawl, now wait a week" was a great idea for a quest step? Was he drunk? Are you sure? Did you check? You should probably go check. He could be passed out with his hand stuck in the vending machine and require emergency assistance.
Seriously though, its irritating and a real slap in the face after the amount of effort people put into finding and completing these exotics quests. Its like getting grounded for a week after coming home with a straight A report card.
( No really though, go check the vending machines just to be safe ).
[i]For fark sakes 2.0[/i]
I'm not sure why people are talking about RNGesus or vanilla Destiny. This isn't a binary problem with only two solutions. Exotic quest lines aren't going to vanish because the requirement to sit on your ass for a week or wait for a certain quest on a certain day were removed. I'm not not sure why people think being drip fed existing content makes the game better or more "fair" or whatever.
It would be a different story if we were talking about new content being created and added on a semi regular basis. But I'm referring to existing content we already knew about weeks in advance. Which was not available at release and/or which Bungie allowed us to run around trying to find without telling us it was impossible. Bungie does have the ability to keep things out of the database away from our prying eyes as well as the ability to not hype something a month before release without mentioning the little problem that it wouldn't be available at release.
[b]Let me bullet point this:[/b]
1. Showing players things they can't have without telling them they can't have it = BAD.
2. Forcing players to wait and watch for a specific day / time window ( people have lives you know ) to obtain something or miss out = BAD.
3. Forcing players to wait for a week or two at random in the middle of a quest line for no reason whatsoever = BAD.
At no point did I suggest we should all go back to chasing the White Whale, er, Gally as the ideal exotic solution. ( and you guys do remember there were exotic quests before TTK, right? )
The ideal exotic solution would be for exotics to be a balanced mixture of engrams, quest lines and challenges ( such as Black Spindle. ) without the pointlessly arbitrary stop gaps of forced waiting periods or limited time windows. Those serve no purpose at all to the players. They may serve a purpose to Bungie or Activision ( Stretching limited available content, trying to finish content that they should have had ready at release, etc ) but that is not in [b]our[/b] interest. That's in [b]their [/b]interest.
The game should be in the player's interest. We're the ones who play it, support it and paid for it.
( Really though, did you check the vending machines yet? I'm getting worried. )
I honestly like it
Who cares they all suck anyways.
Edited by MysticJon: 10/21/2015 5:10:55 AMTimegating or time-locking content, or whatever you wanna call it, is bullshit. It's just bullshit, any way you look at it. All it does is artificially extend play time because you have to wait for something to happen. Having to wait for something is not hard, it just wastes your time and makes you feel like you're accomplishing more than you actually are. It gives the illusion of difficulty because it takes up your time. That's all.
I dont mind things being dropped in game over time. But having it be only availible for a day sucks. Work nights. Sleep during the day. Get to work and find out their is a mission i need to do sucks. It will be gone by the time i get home again.
THAT is a slap in the face? are you for real? how do these people go through life without being offended or feeling slighted every second of their day..
It's to increase longevity of the game. Honestly I don't mind it because if not we all just would've gotten all the exotics within the first 3 weeks and then would've been back to the old grind with the same routine
I'd rather exotic quests like they were in year 1... Drops completely random at any time so not everyone was doing the same thing at the same time....
did i miss a timelocked exotic or something? And i totally aggree. Just playing destiny until I make up my mind on Halo, CoD or battlefront. Been a fun year and a bit, but it's time for me to move my awesomeness around elsewhere
Nice room reference
I have no problem with them releasing them based on time. It keeps the community on their feet looking for stuff. I think it is bs that you had to do the mission when it first came out and then todays. Some people have 24 hr shifts to work and can't even pop on for 30 mins -__-
no one cares kid....don't like the way they do things....leave....A new Skylanders came out for you kid.....
Dude. Enjoy the fresh content and weapons. Id rather wait and get new guns every few weeks for the next three months than get them a release and get bored of them in a week
Edited by DARKSTRIDER5975: 10/21/2015 5:16:48 AMUgh another one of these people who thinks time gates are bad. You are bad. It makes it so players can't get everything at once. Balanced system
Typical bungie.. Half the loot aint here yet.
Wtf is time gated?
I agree. This is the 2nd time I'm getting punished for being an adult and having a full time job. Direct work should relate to direct rewards. It's stuff like this that's starting to put a sour taste in my mouth, after 1500 hours supporting this game.
Your tearing me apart lisa!
Oh, hi Mark!
Timegating is fine. I actually like it and it extends playtime as they intended. The part that annoys me is that they let the community think these weapons were obtainable when they weren't. They could have stepped in at any point during the great search for SS but chose to stay quiet. I think that if they had put in the armory something like coming soon or something similar instead of "can be found in TTK" people wouldn't be as upset.
Crocodile tears
the problem isn't timegating itself it's bungie's infuriating vagueness. They tell people there will be something in the game and then leave it to the player to find out. Normally this isn't a problem but when it is completely impossible to find something that was promised to exist then they start wasting peoples time and effort. Add this incredibly stupid and childish strategy to their inability to listen to their fanbase without -blam!-ing at least one major thing up with every update and this game will very quickly start losing even the most devoted fans that have stuck around through the worst shit in the past.
Very republican-esque business style they've adapted huh
I like it. You have to do a secret daily to unlock the quest anyways. I wasn't even going to log on today until I heard this happened. Ended up meeting some cool people too that I went through VoG and the last part of the quest line with. Good shit.
I'm fine with time gates but not when there's only a 24hr window; make is something reasonable like a week.
Came in just for the reference to "The Room" TL:DR have a nice day
Edited by Erijian: 10/21/2015 6:13:09 AMIt brings people back to the game; that's what Bungie wants. I hate it, but it's effective.