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originally posted in:Expeditionaries
originally posted in: [PS4] King's Fall - Fireteam Finder
10/21/2015 3:59:31 AM
[b]LISTEN UP DREGS! KING's FALL RAID: [i]NO NOOBS ALLOWED.[/i] THIS IS NOT A TUTORIAL![/b] The Taken King has been out for quite sometime now and it's time to get gud or gtfo and I am no douche (yes I sound like one! But I am tired of all this motherf- scrubs in this motherf- raid. Oryx is the true antagonist here and If you are looking to fry him and send his crispy corpse to the asthenosphere of Saturn for the 100th time then this is the fireteam for you! Requirements: Light level 300+ (no rare armor/weapons). Experience: I am not looking to take anymore raidginities from you first timers. Must know how to do all parts of the raids or whichever checkpoint we are currently on. Weapons: Touch of Malice*/300+ Sniper. (Instant invite) Charismatic personality. No ass holes. No arguing. Self explanatory. Host's boot fireteam member modifier is on. Meet the above requirements to avoid getting kick. Let's get this done my fellow guardians!

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