Yes, but you could have gotten your Gally on the first day.
My issue is all these exotics quests are not actually discoverable, and it is up to Bungie when we can actually do them. The having to wait a week for Armsday or reset is annoying and a little stupid, but it isn't the major problem with the current set up, IMO.
Having said that, I reached rank 5 with Gunsmith last week and got the First Curse quest. I spent 10 minutes doing the first step and then got told to wait a week before I can even finish doing the quest steps. That particular case of the waiting mechanic is down right retarded.
Idk I guess I'm more patient than others because I'm not in a rush to get everything. I feel like it takes a week to do nightfalls, Raids, strikes, and some crucible on all characters so I'm occupied while waiting for the new gun
It isn't really about patience. It is just a silly mechanic. Am I in a rush to get everything, no, but at the same time if things were discoverable we would have other things we could do. Instead, we get told when we can or can not do a mission or get a weapon. Which is lame, IMO.
I guess YA they should have at least had all of these quests in the game already and not randomly drop them