So, if bungie releases everything on day one and you all blow through it in a week you get mad, and then when they try to stagger progress so that people can't do that you get mad as well?
They did that with Quake III Arena nearly 20 years ago and people are still playing it. Getting access to everything when you purchase a game doesn't ruin the enjoyment. The enjoyment comes from using it, not from continually grinding for it.
Missed the point and typical black and white response. Not saying we want everything, not saying don't want anything. Simply if we start a particular quest, let us finish it! My buddy completed the sword quest up to the point of needing armsday....on armsday. Had to wait another week. Seriously??
When i order food, i don't expect the staff too delay portions of my meal to make it last, same logic with games, if i buy it, i don't expect them to tell me what i can and can't do untill they give me the next portion of my game.
That's a horrible analogy and doesn't even remotely apply to this situation.
Wow what a great rebuttal... Just saying its bad without giving a reason. The analogy seems logical to me.
Everything's a horrible analogy when it doesn't suit your side of the argument.
Nice, so true.
Moines asking bungie to release everything on day one, if they want to wait a bit to release a quest or an exotic that totally fine, what we're asking is that when they finally do release it then we shouldn't have to rush to get it done before it goes away for who knows how long. Do you know how frustrating it is to get home to realize "shit have half an hour to do the daily and the people I play with aren't on" yes I realize you can go on recruitment or something but I know many people who like to play the game with their best friends and would hate to play it without them, or in some cases well recruitment just doesn't work, few weeks ago my friends had to pass up a raid because we couldn't get 3 other people to do it and it was the last bit of free time some of us had to play around the same time. So it's a matter of when a new special mission is released or an exotic quest is revealed don't just take it down the next day. Or if they really must, don't leave it up in the air for us when our next shot is a heads up would be just fine, give players a chance to plan ahead and set time aside for the things they really want to get
It's not like these missions show up and then disappear for several months? I remember the black spindle mission being available less then a week after it first showed up the first time, and it's been available another two times since then. I dare say it will be the same the many of the time gated exotics.
Yes. Lol. It's definitely a bullshit tactic for them to try and solve their issue of not having much to do, by making us wait a bit of time for no real reason. Don't defend actions like this, it's just going to make gaming worse for everyone.
Edited by a blue gecko: 10/21/2015 7:38:51 AMAnd this is you assuming that all these quests were 100 percent complete upon release of Taken King. I highly doubt they were.
No, it's the toxic communities that are making it worse. Grow up.
[quote]No, it's the toxic communities that are making it worse. Grow up.[/quote] *gaming company metaphorically bends you over and has their way with you* "Thank you, gaming company! Anybody that doesn't want this is toxic and needs to grow up!!"
Oh hey look, another edgy teen. Genuinely surprised you didn't use the word 'sheeple' when referring to myself.