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Edited by Froggie: 10/22/2015 4:09:29 PM

Female Gamers - Tired of being treated badly?





Yes, but I ask for it. ATTITUDE!


I'm a guy but I wanted to vote.


I could care less.


Are you a female gamer who gets pestered, bothered, harassed, threatened, insulted or all of the above? There are lots of great guy gamers out there to play with but we all know there are some real jerks out there as well. Reply/bump/like if you're a female gamer or a guy gamer who is cool with female gamers. Female gamers are here, and here to stay. :) <3

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  • The thing that is annoying about them is like you they feel the need to draw attention to silly issues

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    • Lol. 76% goes to guys who just wanted to vote.

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    • Don't care who I party up with. Just want to take it seriously. <3

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    • Bump

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    • Edited by Storm Eagle 07: 10/21/2015 2:43:05 PM
      I wish I could play with more females. Only came across a few. I wish also there would be females in my clan. They are good gamers too in my opinion. I never disrespect them

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      3 Replies
      • I've only met 4 female gamers across 3 years (at least those with mics) and I wish there were more out there, as the ones I've met have been pretty good. Plus guys tend to follow the pack leader, so a female, as in my experience, don't and bring new thoughts to the table.

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      • I'm cool with female gamers being here and here to stay, but judging from the poll results there just aren't that many of them LOL I have 1 female gamer in our group, and we treat her well. We have tried to recruit a couple more, but apparently female gamer girls don't get along with other gamer girls :/ Ours is nice, but the new recruits were catty.

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      • know you can choose to block anyone who doesn't click with you? find your clan or friends play with them and avoid deuches. no need to make a whole women unite post for destiny.

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      • Hallo i am also a grill and i luuuuuv vidya 2! Stop being a stupid attention seeker.

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      • Tbh every girl gamer I've met has done fine n not been harassed but that my opinion what do u guys think btw imma guy

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      • Aww, you're just so oppressed aren't you? This post is total horse shit. Every girl on Xbox I've seen gets drooled over by the mass majority of guys. Get this garbage out of here. It's not #feedback.

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        12 Replies
        • Why can't you just identify as a gamer? Why do you have to let everyone know your a gurrrrrl gamer? Do you want to be treated differently? Because that's what you'll get

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          12 Replies
          • I sometimes raid with a guy and his girl but she never uses a mic. Probably doesn't want to get harassed but since they live together it's no prob. And she's a good player just doesn't like being the torn one lol but I never see her get treated badly.

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          • Boody hoo hoo! As far as I have seen online, girls usually get treated better than most guys. What are you doing out of the kitchen anyways?

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          • >Looks at OP's name >OP assumes women are different. Wow, there isn't even any bait on the hook.

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          • R3ST, a PS4 clan, is actively recruiting all highly-skilled players. We have a zero tolerance policy for harassment of any sort. If anyone is looking for a PS4 clan, please give me a shout (psn: rayneghost) or look at our bungie clan page. Rayneghost

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          • Edited by AlexisRivera: 10/21/2015 2:10:05 PM
            I make no distinction when playing with anyone but I can't deny that if there are a bunch of guys on the party chat and a girl joins someone in the group will go an say something stupid making it awkward for her and us in the process. It never fails to happen which is rather sad. Women always have it rough in that sense.

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          • your name says it all

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            • I show respect for all gamers. One of my best friends is a female gamer and we enjoy destiny together. We laugh our asses off all through the game. Some guys and gals in the game are just jerks. Don't judge the majority by the actions of the minority.

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            • I would've never guessed that, most guys spit game or strike a conversation the minute a gal is in the lobby. Shocking to see how many guys run to a gals aid too. Are you sure it wasn't just a couple of bad apples, perhaps twins and unlucky timing?

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            • I don't get why y'all just don't fend these guys off. There are some great tools to help you do that. -Mute button -Report button -The option to tell them to -blam!- off Those are the only three things you need to do. Tell a guy to go -blam!- himself, if he persists mute him, and if he does even more report him. I'm sure there are also plenty of guys who don't give a shit if you're a female gamer, too. Try adding some of those people and chilling with them.

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            • Why do some men treat girls bad it makes no sense to me and I respect girls because to me they, I don't know how to put it into words

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            • I have noticed that girls get treated like shit because of being a girl and to be honest I don't see why its pointless

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            • WOW look what got 72% of people's votes

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            • Edited by Whateves: 10/21/2015 1:25:13 PM
              Fun fact there are quite a few good people to play with out there but as we know some are real jerks In my experience I have never seen any mysogonistic behavior against any female gamer I've played with normally its a rather young gamer taking an unhealthy interest into their personal lives or a single person whom states "wouldn't have guessed you were a woman" and that's the end of it Now are there people that belittle women on destiny the odds are great that there is at least one, but I will tell you something dicks will be dicks regardless of whom they pick on because putting others down makes them feel better about themselves I respect your belief yet do not hold it myself good day

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            • I wouldn't care who or what is playing destiny, makes no difference is a damn game.

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