originally posted in:The Rebel Squadron
As long as your not that bitch that runs when your super runs out cause you can't win 1v1 in a gunfight I'm fine with it.
I could care less about any super being op, but when you run and hide after it runs out that's where I have a problem cause it's your crutch.
So if your man enough to actually use your guns this hunters got your back, if not I got a nighthawk waiting for you when you activate your hammer
Why tf do you use nighthawk in pvp
Probably because without it sunbreakers take two gg headshots to kill.
Cause I see supers as a crutch. I was a halo vet I don't need anything to help me get kills. I had a living dead match in halo reach where I had 154 kills and 0 deaths I made every shot count and then had to melee to get the rest
Hell yeah I loved reach! I think I seen something of it being confirmed backward compatible for the one if you have that.
Majority of all my kills in PVP come from guns lol I'm a top ranked player so j don't rely on any super I just want Titans to finally have their time
That's good your one of the titans I respect. Its the sad sacks that think highly of themselves when they used a super to get all their kills then ran and hid like a bitch when it runs out. I just love some of the hate I've gotten cause I use celestial nighthawk in PvP lol, and it's not from my team it's the others that say how can you one shot me with golden gun if I'm a max armor titan or I'm a warlock with and overshield and they happen to be across the map lol. 6x damage and 1 shot is all I have to say.
All titan burn the bad player in crucible, it's jalousi, the other playee kill you jalous