originally posted in:The Roleplay League
[i]Ex'illias still watchs from afar taking a cloaer look at the hive knight and the taken captain[/i]
[b]the knight looks like a swordbearer, he notices that its chest area is larger and more rounded. It must be female[/b]
Edited by BlindSwift: 10/21/2015 1:33:47 PM[i]Ex'illias watches for a couple seconds before noticing a taken sneaking behind her and he kills it with his wire rifle[/i]
[b]she finishes the captain off before looking for where the shot came from[/b]
[i]Ex'illias tries to hide his presence on the area he's on but right before he does she sees a slim figure for a second that's grey[/i]
[b]she sighs as she walks to him, using her sense of smell to find the figure[/b]
[i]Ex'illias sees the figure moving toward him and goes to a wall with his back to it as he aims his wire rifle towards the opening where she would most likely come[/i]
[b]he hears a thunk sound from her stabbing her sword into the ground, she then turns the corner with her hands up[/b]
[i]He stares at her inquisitively and put's his own weapon away[/i] "Do you speak?" [i]His voice sounds rasspy but elagent[/i]
"Yup, I'm guessing you're the one who stopped that thrall from digging his claws into my back?"
"Yes that was me." [i]He sighs as he gathers his equipment and get's up to leave[/i]
"What's your name? If you're willing to tell me..."
Edited by BlindSwift: 10/21/2015 2:15:39 PM[i]He stops and turns tp you and when he does you notice that he wears no house banners[/i] "My name is long forgotten but you may call me Ex'illious. Would I also have the kindness to know the name of the beautiful creature that stands before me"
"Thank you Ex'illious, my name is xerox, rogue give knight and mercenary...."
"Well it was a pleasure Xerox" [i]He then starts to walk away[/i]
[b]xerox pulls out a comm set and runs over to him[/b] "If you ever need help, just call me on this..."
"I will not need help but I will take it" [i]He takes the device and put's it into a small bag[/i]
"I guess I'll see you around, good luck on your future endeavors..."
"Hmmmm. You sound, what's the word, sad" [i]He looks at your for a second[/i]
"Mostly because I want to talk to you more, you're the second eliksni that I met that hasn't tried to kill me, the other one is a guardian..."
[i]He seems to look away and say something then looks back up[/i] "You know our true name?"
"Yup, the other one that I was talking about has corrected me multiple times when I talk about eliksni..."
"Interesting, fine I have no house as it shows I will camp with you if it so pleases"
"That would be nice..." [b]xerox smiles as she walks to a building[/b]
[i]Ex'illias follows while lookinf around[/i] "I will admit I have not been around others long"
"I would bet, you have no house, it must get pretty lonely though...." [b]a hole is seen in the roof with smoke coming out of it[/b]