originally posted in:Dads of Destiny GMT
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Hi everyone.
I'm looking for a regular group of 6 that run the raid at similar times every week. Starting raids with new people each week can sometimes be tough as there's no team chemistry.
I've finished the raid just once but am very confident with mechanics and roles, looking for like-minded players to join me.
Not a massive deal if you haven't done it before but a huge benefit if you have. Would love light level 290 plus. Don't worry if you're low 290s, picking up one or two bits of raid armour sends it right up.
Add me for awesomeness and raid gear and good times on the regs.
Anyone interested feel free to add me as a friend. Mics are a must!
Psn ID: OsteoJoe
Shameless bump as still looking for one or two more members. Also - Ramrod/Djbbriz - are you both okay for Friday 10pm (see my comment below if you dont know what i'm talking about). Cheers!