That's because your an idiot, and don't realize you're also a foolish child that thinks this is additional content when it's actually the same missions you've run a thousand times with an exotic weapon at the end. If I wanted to leave I would, so mind your own business and worry about your play time instead of others. Everything I said above was a factual statement and nowhere in there was a complaint, but being the fan boy you are it makes you go on the defense and tell people to leave a game when the fact of the matter is who the -blam!- are you? I know, a dumb blind fan.
Edited by CTDMUDRUNNER: 10/21/2015 3:43:46 PMAnd who the flip are you? You speak like I give a flying monkey. Cry me a river. It's a game. You act like you are all knowing and know exactly what the dev team is thinking. It's my open mindedness that I can see there is more then. "They want to extend my play time"