I know this is a hot-button topic right now on social media, but since 48% of gamers identify as female and the age/race of gamers is pretty varied, why is there still a stigma against certain groups perpetuated by the media and certain SJW movements? I just want to hear your thoughts on the subject if you're interested in the topic.
Feminism has just become hypocritical thinking and not aiming for equality at all nowadays. The idea is great. I'm a guy but I agree with women being treated equally. But what feminism is now is not that at all. For example, feminists want to get paid more just like men for "equality" but when a man doesn't hold open a door for a her she blows up in his face. THATS NOT FIGHTING FOR EQUALITY! That's fighting for equality in professional situations but still wanting special treatment from men about everything. Which is the definition of contradiction and hypocrisy.