originally posted in:The Roleplay League
[b]Quest Sign-ups (Max of 4, Open only to Batman, Sinister, Garuud, and Deathly Reapz. Main thread now active)[/b]
Name: A Threat Reborn
Location: Venus, Ishtar Sink
Description: A power stirs under the surface of Venus. The center point is where The Nexus lies destroyed. Find it, and wipe it out.
Edited by Deathly Reapz: 10/23/2015 4:01:59 PMRedacted
[spoiler]This is just the sign-up page, I haven't made the actual thread yet[/spoiler]
Edited by Batman: 10/23/2015 2:24:11 AM(I'm ready to go.)
(-blam!- it I'm in)
Edited by garuudfireborn: 10/21/2015 8:27:45 PM(Im in!)
(Hold up. Only the admins can make Quests.)
Well okay then
(Unless this is just a storyline. In which case, go ahead.)
I want to join!
That's what I planned it to be
Edited by Deathly Reapz: 10/21/2015 6:26:55 PMI want to join this quest
Do you have a character?
Of course