[quote]Lol you suck git gud[/quote] I'm gonna tell you the same thing because in crucible you have 4000 more deaths than kills and one character. Don't comment like an idiot next time.
Lololololol ive only ran one character so shut up and i let ppl ply on my account all the time cousins brothers friends lol forgive me for not giving 2 shit about KD
Well your trials KD is about 0.5 and you're using an excuse that is terribly fake and overused.
Its not fake lol and idc if overused if you check my trials match report i think ive played 8 matches if that quite frankly like i said i dont care 2 shits about KD if you want to settle this simple rumble
K [b] [/b]
I get off work in an hour ill be ready whenever
You're on xbox
Lemme guess ps?