Omfg, enough of this shit already. Ur all such attention whores making threads like this.
Yes, there are guys who will harass girl gamers but who cares its just words.
No one should have their gaming experience ruined by harassment. The point is to have fun, it's not meant to be an exercise in learning how to take $#!% from other people.
They dont have to....its simple leave that group of players and join others.
Words are what COULD kill someone. You could harass them with your voice, but make them want to suicide
Wtf happened to sticks and stones? The only person responsible for you taking offense to something is you.
The words them self don't kill, it is as the he says, just let it go and they can't kill
Come on how bad do guys harass them. They migh make sexual comments and stuff but thats it. I have girl gamer friends and they dont complain/ have any of these issues. This chick just wants attention.....she must be a feminist.