[quote]I don't understand how this is related to gaming however, if you do not suppose that this is a boy's club, with rules made by said boys.[/quote]
It relates to gaming just like this, I'm walking into hostile territory and doing what I want to do. It's not any more complicated than that.
Females gamers are walking into territory that is notorious for having foul mouthed, badly raised children. These female gamers are then doing whatever they want to do. Once you open yourself up to the public, the rules get tossed out the window. It's the same reason why video games don't rate online experiences. They just can't predict how stupid people will act.
My original analogy was simply me making a wrong turn into a PETA convention while in my hunting gear. I exaggerated it later for emphasis. I acknowledge that my exaggeration may have taken it off the rails, but the underlying point is still valid.
A PETA convention is MEANT ONLY FOR PEOPLE OF LIKE MINDS!!!!! The gaming world is not only meant for, sexist, racist, children, or adults. You are a bitch ass moron and need to grow the -blam!- up. "But I live in the real world with real problems" no you use the way things are as an excuse to keep them that way. I live in a world where I try every day to make sure my daughter has the rights and privileges as my sons without discrimination. Pussies like you who only say that's how it is so accept it need to -blam!-ing die. Your worse than the ones who cause the problems.
[quote]A PETA convention is MEANT ONLY FOR PEOPLE OF LIKE MINDS!!!!! The gaming world is not only meant for, sexist, racist, children, or adults. You are a bitch ass moron and need to grow the -blam!- up. "But I live in the real world with real problems" no you use the way things are as an excuse to keep them that way. I live in a world where I try every day to make sure my daughter has the rights and privileges as my sons without discrimination. Pussies like you who only say that's how it is so accept it need to -blam!-ing die. Your worse than the ones who cause the problems.[/quote] The fact that you just flew off the handle is proof enough for me that you are incapable of being an adult. I blame your liberal upbringing. When people like you can't accept that not everyone will agree with you, you then launch into a tirade making wild accusations, using insane profanity, and acting exactly like what you claim to be against...an ideological radical. PS - you've been reported.
The fact I flew off the handle proves the only thing in your mind that is acceptable is sexism and racism. Anything directed at you is an injustice and must be reported so it can stop. Thank you for proving to be the piece of shit I had you pegged for. P.S. Fcks I could give about you reporting me 0.
You're literally too stupid to reason with. You can't find any single direct quote of me saying anything like what you are stating. Keeping making shit up. You've go nobody but yourself to blame for your own ignorance. Reported again.
I like a civil debate, even if I do not fully agree with the other person. Nearly a lost art nowadays. I agree that you just have to spend 2 hours in different CoD lobbies, and you might ask yourself if humanity degraded to savages. This isn't constrained to CoD, but it feels like a certain type of gamer gravitates towards a certain kind of game... I will also agree that as a female gamer, you need the same thick skin as every other male gamer, because getting called "a son of a b" is probably still on the nicer end of the spectrum, which mostly depends on education and age. However, the type of harassment you will "enjoy" as a female gamer, is in most cases on a different level, because your gender itself is the reason for the harassment. A problem a male gamer simply doesn't have. That's why I am still confused, why you think that a female gamer should just expect to get harassed, for being female. I fully agree with you in terms of "normal harassment". This is anonymous online gaming, just like you said. But as long as we can agree on "Vocaloids" being absolute horseradish, I think that everything is more or less ok.
[quote]That's why I am still confused, why you think that a female gamer should just expect to get harassed, for being female. [/quote] Because that's the nature of the beast. Until these immature children are removed from the equation, this will continue. Music today, just ain't music. Noise isn't music.
Wow. Just wow. You would probably stand by and watch a murder or -blam!- happen, walk away, shrug your shoulders and say, "well that's the way of the world."
[quote]Wow. Just wow. You would probably stand by and watch a murder or -blam!- happen, walk away, shrug your shoulders and say, "well that's the way of the world."[/quote] Show me where I said that. Keep it, big boy. Your hysterical side is showing. Reported for harassment.
So, according to you, gaming is hostile territory. And why would that be? Why would people playing games be any more hostile than people standing around in a room? I guess you also tell women it's mostly their fault for being -blam!-. If you don't know where to start, start with yourself...or just stop.
[quote]So, according to you, gaming is hostile territory.[/quote] Sci-Fi shooters can be hostile territory for women gamers. The fact that this thread exists is proof enough of that. [quote]And why would that be? Why would people playing games be any more hostile than people standing around in a room?[/quote] Internet gives anonymity to cowardly people to act foolish. There's no anonymity in a crowded room. Somebody will punch you in the face for saying horribly sexist disgusting things in a crowded room. [quote]I guess you also tell women it's mostly their fault for being -blam!-.[/quote] I assumed you were referring to unwanted sexual intercourse. I'm disturbed to see that you think hostility in online games in somehow equivalent to sexually assaulting another human being. I think that speaks more about you than it does about me. [quote]If you don't know where to start, start with yourself...or just stop.[/quote] No, I will never stop. As long as people like you exist I will be here to tell you that you're stupid and your PC policing isn't solving anything.
-blam!- is about hostility, not about sex. Sci-Fi shooters are only hostile as long as people like you populate them. Anonymity allows you do perpetuate this stereotype. I doubt you'd call me stupid to my face. As I posted elsewhere in this thread, you illustrate the long hard road ahead to civilization.
[quote]-blam!- is about hostility, not about sex.[/quote] Yeah, no shit. [quote]Sci-Fi shooters are only hostile as long as people like you populate them.[/quote] I'm here railing against people who are hostile. You read, bro? [quote]Anonymity allows you do perpetuate this stereotype. I doubt you'd call me stupid to my face.[/quote] Stereotypes perpetuate themselves, that's why they're stereotypes. If you acted like this to me in public, I would surely call you stupid to your face. [quote]As I posted elsewhere in this thread, you illustrate the long hard road ahead to civilization.[/quote] I think you mean "false Utopia."
You rail against hostile folk by telling women they get what they deserve for gaming? You read your own stuff? Stereotypes don't propagate themselves. They need a medium. and hahahahahaha. You don't know me, uh, bro. If you did, you would never say that to my face. I can assure you. But, you know what? You might get it one day, that Utopia is a goal to be reached for, not dismissed, and every step we take closer to it makes us better. We never take that step unless we desire to make things better, instead of telling folk to settle for what is. Advancement doesn't come from sitting still, and the older you get, the more you realize there really is no sitting still. There's advancement and entropy. Which camp are you in?
[quote]You rail against hostile folk by telling women they get what they deserve for gaming?[/quote] Oh, do show me where I said that. No inferences. Just quote where I said that. [quote]You don't know me, uh, bro. If you did, you would never say that to my face. I can assure you.[/quote] Internet bad ass over here, folks. Look out. [quote]Utopia is a goal to be reached for[/quote] Utopia is the absence of free will and personal expression. Sounds like fascism to me. Please go away.
heh, heh, Internet badass? lol (no really, I laughed out loud). You really have no idea, do you? That's okay; I'll go away and leave you to connect the dots. Oh, and your e-peen is showing. You might want to tuck that in.
[quote]heh, heh, Internet badass? lol (no really, I laughed out loud). You really have no idea, do you?[/quote] I don't spook easy in the wild, why would I on the internet? OMG! Please tell me who you are! I'm so intrigued! [quote]That's okay; I'll go away and leave you to connect the dots.[/quote] I always hated connect the dots as a kid. [quote]Oh, and your e-peen is showing. You might want to tuck that in.[/quote] I've got to tuck it into my sock sometimes to keep it from dragging on the ground.
Edited by GenXer: 10/21/2015 7:37:07 PMWell, that's Bungie for you, the blammed-out word is the one for a hostile penetration of another person.