[b]Rewarding Players with "Wait a Week... Then Another... Oops, not this time, maybe next week"[/b]
TLDR; Multiple "Wait a Week" tasks in a quest that has a rank 5 prerequisite where each rank requires waiting a week is miserable game design. "Waiting" is not a reward for a prior task.
[b]The Long Version[/b]
There are much better ways at slowing down progress on a quest other than "do nothing for a week." In addition, Bungie did that thing where they tell us "The Taken King has N exotic weapons and armor" which isn't true because here we are with the expansion for a month and unable to access content that was advertised. It's irresponsible and misleading. While it's possible to argue the counter point (ie: "technically the exotics are in the game"), the focus should be on purposefully misleading consumers and EXTREMELY poor game design.
The absolute worst example of this time gated bullshit is "The First Curse" quest:
* Step 1: Reach Gunsmith Rank 5 on a Wednesday, Get first Task and complete
* Step 2: Wait until Arms Day (Next Wednesday)
* Step 3: Come back next Wednesday, get new task and complete
* Step 4: Wait until Arms Day (Next Wednesday).
First of all, to even get Rank 5 Gunsmith, you have to complete tasks on the test weapons, and when you're done, wait a week. By the time you've gotten this quest, you've already completed the "Task + Wait a Week" cycle 5 times. The assumption (or at least MY assumption) was that once I am given the quest, the real adventure begins. Nope, just slightly altered task + wait a week.
The worst part about this quest line is that you feel short-handed every time it says "wait." Bunige was supposed to have this new mentality of rewarding users with positive experiences and rewards in TTK. When Banshee tells me to wait another -blam!-ing week, it's deflating, demotivating, and generates no positive emotion (It does, however, prompt motivation to come get salty in the forums). Thanks Bungie, I was really starting to enjoy this quest until you told me to go -blam!- myself. My expectations of the quest tasks are NOT high, as I have given up hope on Destiny ever having dense, immersive, and complex content. However, "wait a week" is nothing more than lazy game design. If I ask for content that requires a week to complete instead of "Wait a Week," is that asking too much?
I'm mad, disappointed, salty, butt hurt, etc... I have no interest in "understanding Bungie's side of it." According to them, TTK will be rewarding me for doing things, and once again, the game says otherwise.
Frustration is completely understandable, and deserved. People are going to complain bungie is just helping us out so we don't run through content... LOL