Today my friend and I were playing elimination in a fireteam of two members and we kept getting paired with a random (sometimes a different random) vs the same opponents (a fireteam of three).
The opposing team won a match and my teammate and i were like "I hope we rematch so we can kick their ass" - sure enough, we got our chance and we won. We stuck around for another match and we face the same team and lose and they teabag us.
...So, we're like "screw them, i hope we can rematch so we can kick their ass" - again we rematch and we win and teabag them back. This repeats for four(4) more games back and forth after which we're satisfied and decide to call it a night after getting the last win on that team.
We receive party invites from the fireteam we'd just played and we're expecting them to trash talk us. We both basically say the same thing to one another, "nah I'm not going to join, what are we going to do? Listen to trash talk and have to trash talk them back?"
We decide to join anyway, and instead of being greeted with trash talk, we are greeted with "man those were some pretty awesome matches, good games you two"
We were definitely shocked, neither of us were expecting that. It's unfortunate that the community is so toxic that we expect the worst in people and when it doesn't happen it just leaves you feeling dumbfounded. I was very impressed with the maturity of the three people we played that were able to put aside our differences in-game. They sent friend requests and asked if we would maybe team up sometime in the future .
Please fix the game so everyone is this awesome, I'm tired of my experiences always being negative.
(Lol the game is fine, community members, please just continue to be awesome)
Thank you,
What are they supposed to do? Ban any negative comments?!?