Are you a female gamer who gets pestered, bothered, harassed, threatened, insulted or all of the above?
There are lots of great guy gamers out there to play with but we all know there are some real jerks out there as well.
Reply/bump/like if you're a female gamer or a guy gamer who is cool with female gamers.
Female gamers are here, and here to stay. :) <3
If anything why do players have to indicate in their name they are a female at all? I don't understand it frankly. I first noticed this trend in call of duty games. Seemed to me many females used it as some badge of honor to show you they are good as men are or something. Very odd and weird if you ask me. My theory is that stuck in the craw of a lot of guys who are the majority of gamers. I think added to this was many of these same males also will suck up to these females because they are simply female and perhaps they have no female relationship in real life. No suprise right?