You rail against hostile folk by telling women they get what they deserve for gaming? You read your own stuff?
Stereotypes don't propagate themselves. They need a medium.
and hahahahahaha. You don't know me, uh, bro. If you did, you would never say that to my face. I can assure you.
But, you know what? You might get it one day, that Utopia is a goal to be reached for, not dismissed, and every step we take closer to it makes us better. We never take that step unless we desire to make things better, instead of telling folk to settle for what is. Advancement doesn't come from sitting still, and the older you get, the more you realize there really is no sitting still. There's advancement and entropy.
Which camp are you in?
[quote]You rail against hostile folk by telling women they get what they deserve for gaming?[/quote] Oh, do show me where I said that. No inferences. Just quote where I said that. [quote]You don't know me, uh, bro. If you did, you would never say that to my face. I can assure you.[/quote] Internet bad ass over here, folks. Look out. [quote]Utopia is a goal to be reached for[/quote] Utopia is the absence of free will and personal expression. Sounds like fascism to me. Please go away.
heh, heh, Internet badass? lol (no really, I laughed out loud). You really have no idea, do you? That's okay; I'll go away and leave you to connect the dots. Oh, and your e-peen is showing. You might want to tuck that in.
[quote]heh, heh, Internet badass? lol (no really, I laughed out loud). You really have no idea, do you?[/quote] I don't spook easy in the wild, why would I on the internet? OMG! Please tell me who you are! I'm so intrigued! [quote]That's okay; I'll go away and leave you to connect the dots.[/quote] I always hated connect the dots as a kid. [quote]Oh, and your e-peen is showing. You might want to tuck that in.[/quote] I've got to tuck it into my sock sometimes to keep it from dragging on the ground.