[quote]You rail against hostile folk by telling women they get what they deserve for gaming?[/quote]
Oh, do show me where I said that. No inferences. Just quote where I said that.
[quote]You don't know me, uh, bro. If you did, you would never say that to my face. I can assure you.[/quote]
Internet bad ass over here, folks. Look out.
[quote]Utopia is a goal to be reached for[/quote]
Utopia is the absence of free will and personal expression. Sounds like fascism to me.
Please go away.
heh, heh, Internet badass? lol (no really, I laughed out loud). You really have no idea, do you? That's okay; I'll go away and leave you to connect the dots. Oh, and your e-peen is showing. You might want to tuck that in.
[quote]heh, heh, Internet badass? lol (no really, I laughed out loud). You really have no idea, do you?[/quote] I don't spook easy in the wild, why would I on the internet? OMG! Please tell me who you are! I'm so intrigued! [quote]That's okay; I'll go away and leave you to connect the dots.[/quote] I always hated connect the dots as a kid. [quote]Oh, and your e-peen is showing. You might want to tuck that in.[/quote] I've got to tuck it into my sock sometimes to keep it from dragging on the ground.