I'm starting a petition, I never do this.
Bungie! Give this man the only year 2 Gjallarhorn! He deserves it.
Edit: And even name it Gali instead of Gjallarhorn, so Gali may live on with this man in both spirit and in combat, so he can show the likes of Oryx what Gali is truly capable of!
Edit 2: 107 replies all full of support! There's power in numbers. Bungie will see this with enough people behind it!
Edit 3: over 300 replies! Stoic will be amazed to see all this. :)
Okay. So everyone who has lost a pet also gets one.
Nice I'm going to make a post about my sister named vex Mythoclast become ill so I can get a year 2
Give it a wolf head too.
This might be the stupidest thing I've ever seen? I've lost pets, big whoop, just cause his dog dies doesn't mean he should get an exclusive gun; and I promise he never will
thank you for being the guy to say the truth. people can't handle it.
[quote]This might be the stupidest thing I've ever seen? I've lost pets, big whoop, just cause his dog dies doesn't mean he should get an exclusive gun; and I promise he never will[/quote]
Do it BUNGI that would show the world you actually care about your fans.
I bump this
Do it Bungie
Give it to him
Give it to the man!
I'll sign. As long as this guardian is allowed to take it with them for the rest of the destiny lifetime then so be it.
Totally in for supporting this guy by firing a shot, however your petition and if bungie followed it means I will start grabbing pictures of animals people saying their name is near a exotic i miss and making up sob stories.
My guinea pig died and nobody made me a petition. -blam!- you
Sure why not
Cute but no
Signed #year2Gali