First off, don't ask for evidence. If you're desperate, I have a clip of me getting the void cloak somewhere. Now I don't have any real stats supporting my claim, but from me personally, I have spent 48 hours itself grinding all versions of the dust palace strike. On my second time running the nightfall, I was rewarded the void cloak. All my friends who were grinding strikes as well also got their preferred cloak from the nightfall. Go give it a try, grind it a couple of times, and let me know. It worked for me!
Edit 1: We're trending! Woohoo! Thanks for all the likes and reply's guys. By the comments, I can safely say that the drop rate is dramatically increased.
Edit 2: Shoutout to my boy Brandon for helping me out with the information. Good shit bro.
Edit 3: I spent 1 hour grinding this strike, and I now have all 3 cloaks. This works! Trust me
Lies. Yet to get cloak (but I got the scout rifle on week 2)