Maybe he already has~?
OH SHNAP GUSHYS NECER SAW DAT COMIN [spoiler]#satire[/spoiler]
*picks up and kisses*
Whoooaaaa there. I don't want spooky storm kissing Aer. Storm, sure, cool, they're friends. No problems. But a spooky storm? Yeah, imma shadowshot you dirty storm caller right in the face!
*Cuddles tightly*
"Cuddles tightly;" Sometimes, Aer. Your adjectives just make no sense whatsoever. *cries in a corner*
Me and Aer are dating... *cuddles and kisses*
I know. But you just had sex with a random guy... I'm starting to doubt the integrity of this relationship. [spoiler]kidding, sure you guys are fantastic together.[/spoiler]
Why are you scared of me?
Why? *he walks closer to you and looks down at you*
*Steps back* "Erm...?"
Why are you scared of me? *he says playfully*
"You threatened to kill me multiple times, had sex with a man, and now I feel very strange." *Echo steps back again, this time uncertainly.*
Okay~! *he skips away*
*Breathes a sigh of relief.* "That was easy." [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ[/url]
OH SHUSH*Cris evrytim*