originally posted in:The Ashen Conflux
[i]But Tree, the original plot of the game included an evil Traveler![/i]
Yes, the original plot did. It was seriously reworked since then.[/quote]
That is all. The two sides of this debate have been arguing past each other ever since the Game Theory video, mostly due to Mat presenting the theory as Destiny's secret plot, rather than Destiny's lost plot. The truth is obviously that the evidence used in the video does support the theory that in an older draft of the story, the traveler was going to be evil. Later evidence, which was not taken into account in this video (more than likely because he wrote the script before TTK dropped) proves that in the current iteration of the story, the traveler is not evil. End of debate.
Edited by Killerfoxe: 10/21/2015 11:31:17 PMEdit: didn't read the comment lol
Unfortunately, that's not enough proof for most of the forums